
Nalezeno "COVID": 1222

Who in Crypto Might Come Out As Winners or Losers After the COVID-19 Crisis?

The COVID-19 pandemic now has its grip firmly on the world. According to official numbers, almost 2.6 million individuals have been infected globally, and almost 180,000 have died. In addition to the impact on public health and the healthcare system, the global economy is starting to ground to...

Consensys Cuts Hundreds of Jobs This Year – About 25% of Its Staff Slashed

Ethereum-based company Consensys has cut hundreds of jobs since January. In its latest action, the US-based blockchain development team confirmed it will slash more than 90 jobs – or 14% of its workforce – citing the global impact of Covid-19. The decision comes after a virtual town...

Neexistuje důkaz, že proděláním nemoci COVID-19 získáte imunitu, varuje WHO

Světová zdravotnická organizace (WHO) upozorňuje, že neexistují žádné jednoznačné důkazy o tom, že lidé, kteří se zotavili z nemoci COVID-19, získali vůči této nemoci imunitu. Podle epidemiologů tedy nelze tvrdit, že ten, kdo nemoc prodělal, se nemůže opětovně infikovat, informuje BBC. Stávající

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