Easy Google Search Result API with Zenserp (Sponsored)
No matter how much experience I gain in this industry, one task I continue to fail at is building an accurate, flexible, and maintainable scraper for site search. As soon as sites change their HTML structure, my scrape is borked. When looking to build my own search results page, I looked around...
Confessions of a Web Developer XVII
It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten a few things off of my chest and since I’m always full of peeves and annoyances I thought it was time to unleash: Firefox’s DevTools are outstanding right now. From the improvements we’ve made to the debugger, to responsive...
Stylish Sites Made Simple with AnyMod (Sponsored)
Amazing-looking websites often have specific patterns, and for a reason — they work. Whether it’s a slideshow, a parallax effect, or more traditional design, there’s a service that makes total designs and widgetry simple: AnyMod allows web experts and beginners alike to create...
Germany Aims at Blocking Facebook’s Libra Along with Other Private Stablecoins
With the rapid advancement of blockchain-based technologies, stablecoins, a fast-growing subset of cryptocurrencies are also on the rise. Stablecoins are designed by pegging their value to some other asset, like fiat currencies or exchange-traded commodities, in order to avoid drastic fluctuations...
North Korea Plans to Launch Cryptocurrency to Bypass Economic Sanctions
A North Korean official claims that a Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) cryptocurrency is on the horizon. According to a delegate for the Committee for Cultural Relations, Alejandro Cao de Benós, the country plans to forge a token backed by a physical commodity like gold...
Třetina Čechů nakupuje jídlo na internetu, doménou e-shopů je erotické zboží
Více než třetina Čechů nakupuje potraviny na internetu, z toho 16 % alespoň jednou měsíčně. Vyplývá to z průzkumu konzultační společnosti Acomware, který na vzorku 1 016 online respondentů uskutečnila výzkumná agentura Ipsos. Zájem o internetové nákupy přitom sílí bez ohledu na druh zboží – již...
weatherstack: an Amazing Weather API (Sponsored)
One of my first tasks each day is checking the weather; it’s a necessity for knowing what my children and I should wear, if I’m going to need to water the lawn or need to shovel snow, and if I can take meetings out on my patio. It’s also been one of my worst web […]
The post...
David Marcus, the Head of Facebook’s Libra, Says Libra will not be a threat to Monetary Sovereignty
David Marcus, Previous PayPal president and the Head of Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency, has taken to twitter by opposing the idea that the digital currency will make threats against monetary Authority of sovereign countries. 2/ Recently there's been a lot of talk about how Libra could...
Facebook’s David Marcus Responds to Critics Over Libra ‘Threat’
The head of Facebook's Calibra has spoken out to "debunk" allegations that the Libra project poses a threat to nations' fiscal sovereignty Looks to List BCH Futures on CFTC-Approved Exchange
13.9.2019 is in talks to list a bitcoin cash futures contract on a regulated exchange, a company representative told Bloomberg
CryptoKitties Creator Raises $11 Million from Warner, A16z to Launch Own Blockchain
Warner Music is collaborating with Dapper Labs (the company behind CryptoKitties) to create a new blockchain called Flow is planning to launch a Futures Contract for BCH (Bitcoin Cash)
The firm supported by cryptocurrency Investor Roger Ver,, is getting ready to start a futures contract for BCH (Bitcoin Cash), which is as of now the world’s fourth-biggest cryptocurrency by Coinmarketcap. is additionally working on various plans to increase...
The Hype Has Faded But Demand Remains for Enterprise Blockchains
The days when blockchain was portrayed as a cure-all for businesses of all kinds have gone. Now that the hype has faded, enterprise blockchain projects have quietly begun to ship. While some of these initiatives have faded into obscurity, others have prospered, suggesting that there’s life...
Privacy Network Elixxir Invites Smartphone Users to Test Private Messaging
In an age where Google, Facebook and the NSA are known to be harvesting as much as our communications as they can, many people are concerned that online privacy now only exists in the history books. One project trying to address this is the metadata-shredding platform Elixxir, led by cypherpunk...
How to Not Minify Source with webpack
The webpack JavaScript utility has taken over the modern JavaScript landscape, so much so that it’s hard to be a JavaScript developer and not use it. JavaScript build utilities are the point where they do best practices implicitly, like minify code, caching, and more. I was recently debugging...
Stop Installing Packages Globally
These days, most front-end projects are going to involve NPM packages of some kind. Occasionally, when browsing documentation for these packages, I’ll see a recommendation to install a package like this. yarn global add <package> Or like this. npm install --global <package> In both...
Get cracking!
CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 3 September, 2019 Go "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." - Henry David Thoreau Welcome back, and welcome September! ???? We're all gonna kill it this […]
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Craig Wright to Challenge Judge’s Ruling in the Billion-Dollar Lawsuit
Craig Wright is looking to challenge Judge Reinhart’s decision and has asked the court for an extension of time in order to dispute the August 27 ruling. Wright was recently instructed to distribute 50% of his BTC holdings allegedly mined before 2014 and intellectual property (IP) to...
Craig Wright Plans to Challenge Court in $10 Billion Lawsuit
Only on August 27th, the year-long lawsuit over an alleged $10 billion Bitcoin fortune did seem to come to an end, finally. In a dispute that had been raised in 2018, between the self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin (BTC), Craig Wright, and Kleiman Estate, representatives of the deceased computer...
South Korean ArtBloc to Sell David Hockney Paintings via Blockchain
South Korean project ArtBloc to sell David Hockney paintings using blockchain