
Nalezeno "facebook": 2240

84 PBOC Digital Currency Patents Show the Extent of China’s Digital Yuan

The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) has reportedly filed 84 patents relating to its plans to launch a digital currency. The patents reveal the central bank’s plans which include integrating digital currency wallets into existing retail bank accounts. The potential for the Chinese central...

Why Bison Trails Is Staying the Course on Libra

"When we joined the Libra Association, it wasn't like, 'Oh, hey, Facebook is doing something let's join.' It's really about the difference we're making in the world," said Bison Trails' Viktor Bunin

Facebook zruší svou moderní aplikaci pro Windows 10

Microsoft Store přijde o důležitou aplikaci - zmizí z něho Facebook. Aplikace pro Windows 10 již přestane být ze strany Facebooku podporována a na konci února z oficiálního obchodu Microsoftu zmizí, upozornil web MSPowerUser. Uživatelům aplikace se začalo zobrazovat upozornění, že aplikace přestane

Getting Acquainted With Svelte, the New Framework on the Block

For the last six years, Vue, Angular, and React have run the world of front-end component frameworks. Google and Facebook have their own sponsored frameworks, but they might leave a bitter taste for anyone who advocates for an open and unbiased web. Vue is another popular framework that...

Wendy McElroy: The Narrative and Philosophy of Cryptocurrency

“The central banks of Britain, Japan, the euro zone, Sweden and Switzerland have grouped up to assess potential use cases for digital currencies. Talk of such currencies gained momentum after Facebook announced plans last year to introduce a cryptocurrency called libra,” – CNBC....

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