Noncustodial Bitcoin Cash Client Zapit Demos In-Wallet SLP Dividends Tool
During the last week, Bitcoin Cash proponents have been discussing Zapit, the noncustodial BCH wallet that also supports Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) tokens. Zapit’s team recently revealed on Twitter that developers have been working with a new dividends tool built into the mobile wallet....
Fortnite creator attacks Google’s chokehold on Android market in lawsuit over V-Bucks payments
New documents in Epic Games v. Google show the gaming company attacking Google for misusing the Android ecosystem — once touted for its openness — to muscle out competition
Bitcoin Banking App Mode Eyes £40M UK Listing
Mode is expected to announce plans for a £40 million stock market listing sometime in the next month
MetaMask finally escapes the desktop with new mobile wallet
After four years, ConsySys’ has launched a mobile application for its MetaMask wallet
Indian Prime Minister Modi’s Twitter Account Hacked, Bitcoin Donations Requested
The verified Twitter account for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s personal website and mobile app has been hacked, Twitter has reportedly confirmed. Tweets asking for bitcoin donations for the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund for Covid-19 were posted on the account. Twitter...
BitMEX Launches Mobile Trading App in 140 Countries
The new app does not include the iconic "trollbox" feature of BitMEX's site, but will in future, the firm said
[článek] Jak využít dobu dotykovou naplno, ukáže Mobile Internet Forum
[2 minuty čtení] Konference Mobile Internet Forum se zaměří na nejaktuálnější vývoj na trhu mobilních telekomunikací, ale přinese i pohled na dobu dotykovou jako příležitost pro byznys. Kdy a kde v Česku odstartují 5G sítě? Jak je to s neomezenými daty? A jak to chodí v době sledovacího...
Zimbabwe’s Mobile Money on Life Support as Central Bank Tightens Screws: Restrictions to Affect P2P Bitcoin Trading
Zimbabwe’s Mobile Money Operators (MMO) say they will comply with the latest directive by the central bank to shutdown mobile money agents. In addition, the MMOs will also limit mobile money transactions to $50 (Zwl $5,000) per day while users are now restricted to one mobile money account...
A Bit on CI/CD
I’d say “website” fits better than “mobile app” but I like this framing from Max Lynch:
Every production mobile app ultimately has a set of recurring tasks around integration, testing, deployment, and long term maintenance. These tasks often must be automated across...
FTX Exchange’s $150M Deal for Mobile-First Blockfolio Is a Retail Trading Play
The deal is a strategic play for FTX, whose clientele consists largely of quants and professional traders, to attract more retail customers
P2P Cryptocurrency Exchanges in Africa Pivot: Nigeria and Kenya the Target Markets
Leading cryptocurrency exchanges are bullish about Africa’s growth prospects as evidenced by their ongoing forays into the continent. During the month of August, Kucoin crypto exchange announced the addition of Nigeria’s naira currency as a payment option on its peer-to-peer platform....
New Demand for Cryptocurrencies: Trading on Bitcoin Cash KYC-Free Exchange With Blind Escrow
Governments are injecting record levels of new money into economies to contain the impact of shutdowns. Restrictions imposed on people in countries all over the world have forced many to look for alternative but safe ways of transacting. This is one reason why blind escrow bitcoin cash trading...
That’s Just How I Scroll
How do you know a page (or any element on that page) scrolls? Well, if it has a scrollbar, that’s a pretty good indication. You might still have to scrapple with your client about “the fold” or whatever, but I don’t think anyone is confused at what a scrollbar is or what...
[aktualita] Český T-Mobile získal meziročně 66 tisíc klientů pro svou televizní platformu
Další z operátorů zveřejnil své pololetní výsledky. Tentokrát jde o společnost T-Mobile. Její platformu T-Mobile TV na IPTV nebo satelitních platformách používá podle publikovaných hospodářských výsledků téměř 179 tisíc zákazníků. Loni ve stejné době to bylo 113 tisíc klientů. T-Mobile podporoval...
Paytm Freezes Indian Bank Accounts Suspected of Cryptocurrency Trading: Report
India’s largest mobile commerce platform Paytm has reportedly been freezing the bank accounts of users suspected of crypto trading, even though cryptocurrency, including bitcoin, is legal in India. The country still does not have a legal framework for cryptocurrencies but the government says...
Mobile Crypto Scam Targets Wealthy Indian Investors
Scammers are going to greater lengths than ever to acquire other people’s crypto
Mobile DeFi and the Shift Toward Self-Sovereignty
Decentralized technology is liberating yet intimidating to crypto-beginners. How can DeFi projects ease this transition for users?
[aktualita] Český T-Mobile poslal matce do Německa celý loňský zisk 5,6 miliardy korun
Tuzemský operátor T-Mobile pokračuje v tradici a své mateřské společnosti německé Deutsche Telekom vyplatil celý roční zisk ve formě dividendy. Ta za rok 2019 činila 5,596 miliardy korun. Ukazují to údaje v obchodním rejstříku. Český T-Mobile rovněž koncem loňského roku poskytl matce půjčku ve výši...
Marine Corps Bans Crypto Mining Apps From Government-Issued Mobile Devices
The Tuesday memo does not give a specific reason for the bitcoin mining ban but broadly cited security concerns
Google odkládá mobile-first indexování ve vyhledávání. Vývojáři mají skoro rok navíc
Google již několik let avizuje, že bude v rámci svého vyhledávače prioritně ukazovat výsledky z mobilních verzí webů. K přechodu mělo nastat letos, nakonec ale dochází k odkladu na příští rok.
V dnešní době probíhá většina vyhledávání na Googlu skrze mobilní telefony, čemuž se firma snaží