
Nalezeno "things": 1124

Software Engineer Reveals Oracle Creation Platform for Bitcoin Cash

On September 23, Bitcoin Cash (BCH) developer Gabriel Cardona revealed a project called, a platform he constructed at the Wyohackathon. The application allows anyone to launch oracles on the BCH chain for things like prediction markets, trust-less wagers, and BCH contracts tethered...

Meeting GraphQL at a Cocktail Mixer

GraphQL and REST are two specifications used when building APIs for websites to use. REST defines a series of unique identifiers (URLs) that applications use to request and send data. GraphQL defines a query language that allows client applications to specify precisely the data they need from...


Buy or build is a classic debate in technology. Building things yourself might feel less expensive because there is no line item on your credit card bill, but has cost in the form of time. Buying things, believe it or not, is usually less expensive when it comes to technology that isn't your core...

Get Geographic Information from an IP Address for Free

Say you need to know what country someone visiting your website is from, because you have an internationalized site and display different things based on that country. You could ask the user. You might want to have that functionality anyway to make sure your visitors have control, but surely they...

Confessions of a Web Developer XVII

It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten a few things off of my chest and since I’m always full of peeves and annoyances I thought it was time to unleash: Firefox’s DevTools are outstanding right now. From the improvements we’ve made to the debugger, to responsive...

Things that Finance And Gaming Industry Have in Common

The finance industry is comprised of entities involved in managing funds. These funds can both be assets and investments such as those invested in the stock market, or liabilities such as debt and various loans. On the other hand, the gaming industry offers entertainment through online games...

Changing things up

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 19 September, 2019 Embrace change “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy Day 4 of […] The post Changing things up appeared first on CoinMarketCap

Changing things up

CoinMarketCap Daily Newsletter Your daily newsletter for 19 September, 2019 Embrace change “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy Well that was […] The post Changing things up appeared first on CoinMarketCap

How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage

Because we know that all people with battery-powered devices are constantly concerned about their battery levels, and that websites are significant consumers of that battery power, we should probably think about this stuff a lot more than we do. I'd expect the browser itself to be our main ally...

CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXXVI

This is one of these little roundups of things going on with myself, this site, and the other sites that are part of the CSS-Tricks family. I was recently in Zürich for Front Conference. It was my first time there and I very much enjoyed the city and the lovely staff of the conference. I...


Earlier this week, Bastian Allgeier published some interesting thoughts about complexity in web development and how changing simple things can often feel far more difficult than they need to be: You want to build a JS file? Please update Webpack first. Oh, that new version of Webpack is no longer...

“Off The Main Thread”

JavaScript is what they call "single-threaded." As Brian Barbour puts it: This means it has one call stack and one memory heap. We all feel a symptom of that regularly in the form of performance jank and non-interactivity on elements or entire sites. If we give JavaScript lots of jobs and it gets...

Fast Software

There have been some wonderfully interconnected things about fast software lately. We talk a lot of performance on the web. We can make things a little faster here and there. We see rises in success metrics with rises in performance. I find those type of charts very satisfying. But perhaps even...

Working with Attributes on DOM Elements

The DOM is just a little weird about some things, and the way you deal with attributes is no exception. There are a number of ways to deal with the attributes on elements. By attributes, I mean things like the id in <div id="cool"></div>. Sometimes you need to set them. Sometimes...

Court Instructs Craig Wright to Distribute Billions to Plaintiffs

On August 26, the self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright, was ordered by Southern District Court of Florida to distribute half of his BTC holdings and intellectual property assets from prior to 2014. According to the Kleiman estate attorney Vel Freedman, the family has waited a long time...

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