
Nalezeno "web": 2177

Web Components Are Easier Than You Think

When I’d go to a conference (when we were able to do such things) and see someone do a presentation on web components, I always thought it was pretty nifty (yes, apparently, I’m from 1950), but it always seemed complicated … The post Web Components Are Easier Than You Think appeared first...

Java webové stránky s AJAX

V době kolem covidového Silvestra roku 2020 jsem vytvořil prototyp jednoduché webové stránky s podporou AJAX s cílem eliminovat Java vývojáře od Javascriptu. Vývojář se však neobejde bez znalosti struktury HTML stránky ani bez znalosti CSS selektorů. Původní řešení jsem trochu zobecnil, vybrané...

'Shop Contest: The Imps From Artifact Need New Jobs

Artifact is dead, or at least it won’t be updated anymore which for online games is basically the same thing as dead. That means the two imps seen in Artifact, both in-game and in promo artwork, need a new gig. Let’s help ‘em out! Read more

The Best Font Loading Strategies and How to Execute Them

Zach Leatherman wrote up a comprehensive list of font loading strategies that have been widely shared in the web development field. I took a look at this list before, but got so scared (and confused), that I decided not to … The post The Best Font Loading Strategies and How to Execute Them...

'Shop Contest: New Mail Truck

Did you hear the big news? Sit down, folks. I’m happy to tell you that the United States Postal Service is getting...NEW TRUCKS! They look kind of dorky, but cute. Let’s have some fun with them. Read more

Welcome To Hell, Bambi

This week on Snapshots we have some great Assasin’s Creed shots, a laid back Spider-Man, a large rodent in danger, some nice-looking vistas, and one very, very lost deer. Read more

Fight Sans Undertale Right In Your Browser

Sans is unique in that he’s the most popular character in Undertale while also providing one of the most frustrating boss fights the game has to offer.Read more

WandaVision Became a Nightmarish Web of Cathartic Reruns

WandaVision’s first season transformed Marvel’s Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen). She’s been a newlywed, a mother, and something far more fascinating and complex than all of her other new identities combined. It’s all been in service of its larger overarching story about the Avengers’ least...

How We Improved the Accessibility of Our Single Page App Menu

I recently started working on a Progressive Web App (PWA) for a client with my team. We’re using React with client-side routing via React Router, and one of the first elements that we made was the main menu. Menus … The post How We Improved the Accessibility of Our Single Page App Menu...

Google vydal další doplněk pro Wordpress. Přinese na web Material Design

Google vydal další plugin pro populární redakční systém Wordpress. Ten má za cíl přinést na web více Material Designu. Administrátorům tak umožní snadno přepnout šablonu webu a zavést designové prvky typické pro Android aplikace. Material Design je soubor nejrůznější zásad a prvků, které by měli

Teaching Web Dev for Free is Good Business

It feels like a trend (and a smart one) for tech platforms to invest in really high-quality learning material for their platform. Let’s have a gander. Webflow University Surely Webflow is thinking: if people invest in learning Webflow, they’ll be … The post Teaching Web Dev...

Your Travel Guide to the Rudderless Right-Wing Web After Trump

Moving into 2021 and forward, conservatives angry about cancel culture, censorship, shadowbans, or the attention of the FBI have a rich array of social destinations to choose from. We’ve prepped a travel guide for the unwitting observer who might be thinking of checking any of these conspicuous...

A DRY Approach to Color Themes in CSS

The other day, Florens Verschelde asked about defining dark mode styles for both a class and a media query, without repeat CSS custom properties declarations. I had run into this issue in the past but hadn’t come up with a … The post A DRY Approach to Color Themes in CSS appeared first...

Getting Deep into Shadows

Let’s talk shadows in web design. Shadows add texture, perspective, and emphasize the dimensions of objects. In web design, using light and shadow can add physical realism and can be used to make rich, tactile interfaces. Take the landing page … The post Getting Deep into Shadows appeared...

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