
Nalezeno "3D Printing": 102

Coronavirus: How Blockchain, AI, And 3D Printing Can Help Solve Supply Crisis

What seemed like science fiction a few short weeks ago is now very real. Movies such as Outbreak, Contagion and Virus are looking more like documentaries every day. As we battle COVID-19, a major issue that will only increase is disruption to supply chains. This disruption has been as devastating...

Real Vision CEO on Impact of Coronavirus and Money Printing on Global Economy

In an interesting conversation regarding the impact of Coronavirus and printing of the money by the Federal Reserve on the global economy, the chief executive officer of the Real Vision, Raoul Pal, touched upon a number of aspects including Gold, Bitcoin, Tokenization, and financial freedom among...

Do You Know the Newspeak of the Looming ‘NIRP’ Economic Meltdown?

Negative and zero interest rate policy (NIRP and ZIRP) are becoming a new global norm. Endless printing of paper money is said to make economies stronger, while everyday individuals are seeing their savings worth less and less. These policies were traditionally viewed as last ditch, temporary...

More Filthy Fiat: Two Dozen Central Banks Ramp up the Printing Presses

The global economy seems to be heading toward a financial crisis fueled by central planners that could devastate markets worldwide. This year onlookers are witnessing the largest synchronization of central banks printing massive amounts of fiat or participating in other forms of stimulus....

The Big Lie Perpetuated by Central Banks

The central banking system controls monetary policy within a given jurisdiction, including the creation of money itself. The system is a lie and a denial of reality. The lie is political in motivation and content, and the denial of reality is rooted in culture and philosophy. Also read: Bitcoin...

This Austrian Printing House Aims For 'Major Role' in Crypto Adoption

The Chainlock hardware wallet. The Austrian State Printing House (OeSD), an Austrian high-security specialist with a focus on secure identities, is another example of a company from a traditional sector that decided to add cryptocurrency-related products to their portfolio. Besides focusing on...

US, EU and Japan Could Trigger ‘Cold Currency War’ by Debasing Fiat

The world’s major central banks are waging war to determine who can make their respective fiat currency weaker. With the likelihood of even more money printing and negative interest rates ahead, people need to be ready to see the value of their money evaporate and the price of everything else...

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