An AWS Virtual Machine Is Infected With Mining Malware. There Could Be Others
A monero mining script has been embedded in a public instance of an AWS virtual machine. How many others are similarly infected?
L2TP VPN v AWS snadno a rychle
Tento článek vznikl na základě podnětů k předchozímu článku o zprovoznění proxy serveru na Digital Ocean. V něm jsem zmiňoval, že proxy server rozhodně nenahrazuje VPN, které zajišťuje plně šifrovaný přístup. Podíváme se tedy, jak si zprovoznit vlastní VPN server
Researchers Detect Crypto-Mining Worm to Steal AWS Credentials
Cybersecurity researchers now expect future cryptojackers to mimic this worm’s ability to hack Amazon Web Services credentials
Running spot instances effectively with Amazon EKS
I know this is a little outside the normal scope of CSS-Tricks stuff, but I find the whole concept of spot instances fascinating. Here’s the gist from a very-non-expert (me). You can just buy and pay for web servers, for example, Amazon EC2. You can save a bunch of money if you buy them...
Amazon začal v rámci cloudu AWS nabízet serverové procesory AMD EPYC. Nejvyšší instance má 96 jader
AMD nabízí vícejádrové procesory EPYC už poměrně dlouho, velké cloudové platformy ale mají pochopitelně své tempo nákupu nového hardwaru a nejinak je tomu u největšího – Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Právě Amazon nyní oznámil, že jsou dostupné nové instance s označením EC2 C5a, které jsou postavené
Building Your First Serverless Service With AWS Lambda Functions
Many developers are at least marginally familiar with AWS Lambda functions. They’re reasonably straightforward to set up, but the vast AWS landscape can make it hard to see the big picture. With so many different pieces it can be daunting, and frustratingly hard to see how they fit seamlessly into...
VideoCoin Adds Cash Payments and Rewards in Bid to Take On AWS
Halsey Minor’s VideoCoin platform launches Wednesday with fiat payment rails that aim to move the project beyond the limited sphere of crypto
Meet Red Date, the Little-Known Tech Firm Behind China’s Big Blockchain Vision
The de facto architect of China's ambitious national blockchain project reveals his game plan for making the technology cheap and easy for businesses
Investment in Blockchain in Energy Markets Will Top $35 Billion by 2025
The rate of growth for investment in blockchain is projected to be 82% annually
IOST Shines as the First Blockchain Network Interviewed by AWS China
Taking pride in being the globally acclaimed blockchain network offering world-class security and scalability features, IOST has added a feather to its credit as it becomes the first blockchain project to be interviewed by the leading cloud computing provider, Amazon Web Services or AWS China....
Use a:visited in your CSS stylesheet
Evert Pot:
Unfortunately, when setting a new color (e.g. a { color: #44F }) the ‘purple visited link’ feature also gets disabled. I think this is a shame, as there’s so many instances where you’re going through a list of links and want to see what you’ve seen before.
The 2 examples I ran into...
Blockchain Technology Partners Unveil Smart Contracts on Amazon AWS
Amazon’s Quantum Ledger Database now hosts smart contracts, thanks to Blockchain Technology Partners’ work with DAML
Coinbase to Participate in Amazon’s AWS re:Invent 2019
Coinbase has announced that it will be a major participator in the prestigious AWS re:Invent 2019 event in Las Vegas. The annual event is a major global conglomeration of the technical experts and Technical decision-makers from the cloud computing world. The 5-day event is organized by AWS (Amazon...
[článek] Podle Slovenska je AWS pro děti, Valve chystá nový Half-Life, Intel smaže staré ovladače
[4 minuty čtení] Apple musí v Německu zpřístupnit NFC. WeChat Pay a Alipay i pro lidi ze západu. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě. Vždy v pátek připravuje reportér Jan Sedlák výběr zajímavých zpráv ze světa IT. Co se událo v tomto týdnu?
[článek] Hry pro MS-DOS na Internet Archive, Amazon přešel z Oraclu na AWS, Google Pixel 4
[4 minuty čtení] Sophos koupen za miliardy. Další hardware od Googlu. Jak se vyvíjí PornHub. Zprávy z IT, každý pátek na Lupě. Vždy v pátek připravuje reportér Jan Sedlák výběr zajímavých zpráv ze světa IT. Co se událo v tomto týdnu?
Kadena Unveils Free BaaS Platform on the Azure Marketplace
Kadena, a promising start-up in the hybrid blockchain solution space, has unveiled an updated version of their enterprise blockchain solution on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Kadena’s blockchain solution titled “Kadena Scalable Permissioned Blockchain” is available now on Azure for free...
AWS Wrecked Havoc on few Cryptocurrency Exchanges by Allowing Users to pick up Bitcoin for Prices below $1
A Tokyo-based interruption in the Asia Pacific region of Amazon’s well known AWS cloud computing system caused havoc on some cryptocurrency exchanges operations on 23rd August. The following confusion let a couple of dealers run away like robbers. A few of the crypto exchanges affected in...
Amazon Cloud Outage Causing Major Issues at Some Crypto Exchanges
Problems with Amazon's cloud service, AWS, in Tokyo are disrupting services at some cryptocurrency exchanges on Friday
PR: Plan Flash – Decentralized Data Processing
Data processing is indispensable everywhere and all the time in modern life. The daily services we use every day, such as face recognition, voice assistant, text recognition, automatic recommendation, automatic data analysis and so on, all have a large number of data processing requirements...
Amazon Web Services Sets Up Data Centers in Israel
Cloud computing services, along with data centers, have now become one of the most important industries in the world. The primary reason behind the growth of the industry is down to the fact that almost all businesses now need these services and Amazon’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the global...