
Nalezeno "DoS": 121

Four Of The Best PC Games Ever Are Free Right Now

It feels like only a couple of months ago that we were reporting EA had pulled four of the all-time greatest PC games from sale on GOG. Because it was. At the time, the peculiar publisher ignored our questions as to why. Now, just over six weeks later, Ultima Underworlds 1 & 2, Syndicate,...

Ninja Gaiden Pacifist Speedrun Is Impressive AF

Ninja Gaiden protagonist Ryu Hayabusa deals with a lot of bullshit in the iconic NES platformer from 1989, so it only makes sense that he would obliterate everything in his path en route to finding his father’s killer. But speedrunners, the crazy people that they are, have devised a way to beat...

TIE Fighter Has Been Remade With More Modern Visuals

If EA’s Squadrons wasn’t quite to the scale you were hoping for from your Star Wars flight game, never mind: you can always replay 1994 classic TIE Fighter, which now has vastly-improved visuals and some other modern tweaks instead.Read more

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life Has A Very Fun Easter Egg

The whole point of Sea of Thieves: A Pirates Life was that it served as a crossover event between Rare’s pirate game and Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean series. But tucked away at the end of the expansion is a secret that has nothing to do with Captain Jack Sparrow, or really Sea of Thieves...

A Medieval Micromanagement Sim Is Tearing Up The Steam Charts

I didn’t expect to play five hours of Going Medieval in one sitting right after installing it. I spotted the game on Steam’s top-selling charts, it looked neat, and I gave it a try. Suddenly, after what only felt like a few minutes, I looked up at the clock and realized I had spent hours building...

Graven Looks Great, But Right Now It’s A Bit Boring

Graven is the latest game from resurrected publisher 3D Realms. Like its recent releases Ion Fury and Wrath, Graven is a throwback to 1990s PC first-person shooters, this time being a spiritual successor to Hexen and Heretic. It’s a visual delight to run around the world of Graven, kicking bad guys...

Elite Dangerous CEO Apologizes For Odyssey's Buggy Launch

Odyssey, a large expansion for space exploration simulator Elite Dangerous, launched last week as a buggy mess. This led to a lot of fan backlash and negative Steam reviews. In response to these issues, developer Frontier Developments’ CEO apologized for the terrible launch.Read more

These Are Your 2021 World Video Game Hall of Fame Inductees

After sifting through a field of finalists including classics like Guitar Hero, Pole Position, Portal, and...FarmVille, the Strong National Museum of Play has announced the 2021 inductees into the World Video Game Hall of Fame. Let’s hear it for StarCraft, Animal Crossing, Where in the World...

Flashback Getting A New Sequel For Its 30th Birthday

With its gorgeous hand-drawn backgrounds, stunning (for its time) rotoscoped animation, and engaging science fiction storyline, 1992's Flashback is one of gaming’s all-time greats. Now original game designer Paul Cuisset is back, supervising a team of developers creating Flashback 2, coming...

Tie Fighter: The Kotaku Review

As part of Backlog month, I wanted to reach deep into the collection and talk about one of the greatest video games of all time, one that nailed everything it set out to do so well that even 27 years later it remains as fun and relevant as it was when it first dropped.Read more

Terminator Resistance Harkens Back To When The Franchise Ruled

Terminator: Resistance is another Terminator game, and those have been mostly awful. But I was surprised to find that this hidden gem isn’t a boring Call of Duty clone as the screenshots implied, but actually a remake of the classic Terminator shooters Bethesda developed back in the 90s. And...

Amid Evil Is A Good Shooter That Doesn't Need Guns

Amid Evil is a wild, weird, and wonderful retro-inspired FPS that ditches the traditional shooter arsenal of pistols and SMGs in favor of more exotic weapons. Like a magic staff that shoots planets or a sword that flings waves of energy. Read more

Ah Loot River Looks Fantastic

A few seconds into this announcement trailer for Loot River and I’m thinking, OK, it’s a top-down Dark Souls game. Fine, whatever. A few seconds later suddenly there’s Tetris in there too and everything looks a lot more interesting.Read more

X-COM’s Beloved Tactical Gameplay Took Months To Get Just Right

Monsters in the Dark: The Making of X-COM: UFO Defense tells the story of the early years of legendary strategy game designer Julian Gollop and the making of the original X-COM, and is funding now on Kickstarter. In this excerpt from the book, Julian and designers from publisher MicroProse...

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