
Nalezeno "Email": 397

Spanish Exchange 2gether Blocks Operations, Affecting 100,000 Users

2gether, one of the oldest cryptocurrency exchanges in Spain, has suddenly blocked its operations, leaving its users without access to their accounts. The platform informed it had to take this action due to the current situation of the market in an email directed to customers. In addition,...

Every Hot Dog Emoji On Steam Belongs To A Guy Named Brian

20-year-old Brian Haugh has spent the past six years purchasing thousands of “:steam2016:” emoticons, which Valve created to promote the 2016 Steam Summer Sale and looks like a hot dog wearing little shoes. On Steam, you can purchase emoticons from other users in the Community Marketplace or create...

Collective #718

Color.js * Defensive CSS * svg-path-morph * PRQL * My Wonderful HTML Email Workflow The post Collective #718 appeared first on Codrops

OpenSea Reports Email Data Breach

An employee at an outside contractor tasked with managing OpenSea email newsletters copied the list of customer emails and shared it with an outside party, OpenSea says

New Service Allows You to Get Tipped in Bitcoin to Read Email

  As some estimates indicate that more than 333bn emails are sent every day, a new service, Reacher, aims to allow its users to get paid in bitcoin (BTC) to be reached, and potentially filter out a major share of their spam. The project presents its functionality in five steps:  Reacher is...

Anonymous Has Released Over 2 Million Russian Emails in Cyberwar With Russia

Hacktivist collective Anonymous claims it has already published millions of leaked Russian emails. The group has been waging a cyberwar on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, carrying out attacks on government institutions, state-run television channels, and the central bank. Russia’s...

Bobby Kotick Actually Wrote Fran Townsend's Deranged, Company-Wide Email

Earlier this year, an email was sent to all employees of Activision Blizzard from the email account of Chief Compliance Officer, former Executive Sponsor of the ABV Employee Women’s Network and former Torture Apologist Fran Townsend. Sent in the midst of historic allegations of harassment against...

Some Typography Links VIII

Do you know what to use the @ sign for something other than email addresses and Twitter handles? I do! —  Pawel Grzybek notes how some old physical typewriters had an “Arroba” on them which was represented with the @ … The post Some Typography Links VIII appeared first...

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