
Nalezeno "FOX": 178

Final Fantasy XVI Will Have Perfect Grapes

If you don’t follow a game particularly closely, then the storms that occur within its communities can seem very bizarre. Take Final Fantasy XVI—obviously a game with a huge fanbase and a lot of people very excited for next month’s release—but one where you might have missed the furore over its...

The 10 Worst Simpsons Episodes, Ever

Fox’s long-running animated sitcom, The Simpsons, has seen its share of amazing, truly wonderful episodes. But lurking below those high points are also some horrendous misfires, misbegotten episodes that are just downright awful and unfunny. Read more

Hlavní hvězda Fox News končí. Tucker Carlson odchází

Americká stanice Fox News se dohodla na ukončení spolupráce s moderátorem Tuckerem Carlsonem, svou největší hvězdou. Jeho pořad se naposledy vysílal v pátek. Nahradí ho dočasný formát, kde se budou moderátoři střídat

GameStop Offers $5,000 Reward To Stop PS5 Crime Spree

The good thing about the PlayStation 5 shortage being over now is that people who want the consoles can finally buy them. The bad news is that it’s also apparently led to an uptick in GameStop robberies as thieves target the pricey and easy-to-flip consoles. GameStop’s answer? A $5,000 reward...

Ben Stiller As God Of War's Kratos Is As Weird As You'd Expect

God of War is rolling out its marketing campaign for its impending release, and in this one, Ben Stiller has started a father-child support group. I can see what they’re going for here: At their core, modern God of Wars are about a dysfunctional father-son relationship. And...LeBron James and John...

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