WDRL — Edition 302: Digital accessibility, learning modern CSS, UI tricks, serving images the right way, and proper waiting in JavaScript.
Let's build websites for every one of us: »At the end of 2021, approximately 7.8 million severely disabled people were living in Germany. […] The percentage of severely disabled people in the total population in Germany stood at 9.4%.« – Statistisches Bundesamt
When I first stumbled upon...
Monitor Events and Function Calls via Console
Despite having worked on the very complex Firefox for a number of years, I’ll always love plain old console.log debugging. Logging can provide an audit trail as events happen and text you can share with others. Did you know that chrome provides monitorEvents and monitor so that you can get...
Custom SVG Cursors with an Interactive Emitter Effect
Several interactive cursor effects made with JavaScript and SVG
Specify Node Versions with .nvmrc
I’ve heavily promoted nvm, a Node.js version manager, over the years. Having a tool to manage multiple versions of a language interpreter has been so useful, especially due to the complexity of Node.js package management. One tip I like to give new developers is adding a .nvmrc file to their...
Je čas poslat Javascript do důchodu, tvrdí klíčový vývojář. V nejbližší době to ale určitě nehrozí
Javascript patří k nejpoužívanějším programovacím jazykům současnosti. Je základem frontendu webových aplikací, skrze Node.js se nicméně prosadil i na serverovém backendu. Jeho další rozvoj se pak odvíjí od standardu ECMAScript (ES), jehož je praktickou implementací.
Leckdo by si proto pomyslel,
20M JavaScript devs can now build applications on NEAR: KBW 2022
“A student can build an app without needing to learn new languages without needing to learn new skills,” said NEAR founder Illia Polosukhin
How to Inject a Global with Web Extensions in Manifest V3
For those of you not familiar with the world of web extension development, a storm is brewing with Chrome. Google will stop support for manifest version 2, which is what the vast majority of web extensions use. Manifest version 3 sees many changes but the largest change is moving from persistent...
JavaScript Event.defaultPrevented
Whether you started with the old on_____ property or addEventListener, you know that events drive user experiences in modern JavaScript. If you’ve worked with events, you know that preventDefault() and stopPropagation() are frequently used to handle events. One thing you probably didn’t...
Technical Writing for Developers
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, PHP, C++, Dart — there are so many programming languages out there and you may even be totally fluent in several of them! But as we aim to write more and better code, the way we …
Technical Writing for Developers originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should...
How to Get Extension Manifest Information
Working on a web extension can be kinda wild — on one side you’re essentially just coding a website, on the other side you’re limited to what the browser says you can do in the extension execution environment. One change in that environment is coming January 2023 — pushing...
How I Chose an Animation Library for My Solitaire Game
There is an abundance of both CSS and JavaScript libraries for animation libraries out there. So many, in fact, that choosing the right one for your project can seem impossible. That’s the situation I faced when I decided to build …
How I Chose an Animation Library for My Solitaire...
Building Interoperable Web Components That Even Work With React
Those of us who’ve been web developers more than a few years have probably written code using more than one JavaScript framework. With all the choices out there — React, Svelte, Vue, Angular, Solid — it’s all but inevitable. One …
Building Interoperable Web Components That Even...
SPAs, Shared Element Transitions, and Re-Evaluating Technology
Nolan Lawson sparked some discussion when he described a noticeable shift away from single-page applications (SPAs):
Hip new frameworks like Astro, Qwik, and Elder.js are touting their MPA [multi-page application] with “0kB JavaScript by default.”
SPAs, Shared Element Transitions,...
A Perfect Table of Contents With HTML + CSS
Earlier this year, I self-published an ebook called Understanding JavaScript Promises (free for download). Even though I didn’t have any intention of turning it into a print book, enough people reached out inquiring about a print version that …
A Perfect Table of Contents With HTML...
Get a Random Array Item with JavaScript
JavaScript Arrays are probably my favorite primitive in JavaScript. You can do all sorts of awesome things with arrays: get unique values, clone them, empty them, etc. What about getting a random value from an array? To get a random item from an array, you can employ Math.random: const arr =...
Setting Up CloudFront to Host Your Web App
In my last article, we went over how to set up a web app that serves chunks and bundles of CSS and JavaScript from CloudFront. We integrated it into Vite so that when the app runs in a browser, …
Setting Up CloudFront to Host Your Web App originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should...
Legacy String Methods for Generating HTML
I’m always really excited to see new methods on JavaScript primitives. These additions are acknowledgement that the language needs to evolve and that we’re doing exciting new things. That being said, I somehow just discovered some legacy String methods that you probably shouldn’t...
Interview with an Intiface Haptics Engineer
I was recently re-reading my Interview with a PornHub Web Developer and one bit I started thinking about was the VR question and the idea of making users not just see but feel` something. The haptic feedback of VR games is what really sets them apart from your standard PC or console game. So when...
Input valueAsNumber
Every once in a while I learn about a JavaScript property that I wish I had known about years earlier — valueAsNumber is one of them. The valueAsNumber provides the value of an input[type=number] as a Number type, instead of the traditional string representation when you get the value:...
Building an Interactive Sparkline Graph with D3
Learn how to build an interactive line graph using the D3 JavaScript library and CSS custom properties to create different color schemes.
The post Building an Interactive Sparkline Graph with D3 appeared first on Codrops