
Nalezeno "MacOS": 167

Terminate Process on a Port from Command Line

Once a week I have to deal with a zombie process or try to start a process that’s already running on its designated port. In most cases I use macOS’s Activity Monitor to kill the process, which is time-consuming. What if we could just kill a process on a given port from command line?...

Meta Theme Color and Trickery

Starting with Version 15, Safari supports the theme-color <meta> tag both on macOS and iOS. That’s exciting news because now the first desktop browser supports this <meta> tag and it also supports the media attribute and the prefers-color-scheme media feature.… The post Meta...

Apple’s Not Happy With Epic’s Xbox Witness

On Wednesday, vice president of Xbox business development Lori Wright testified in the ongoing trial between Epic and Apple. Now, Apple wants the court to make an “adverse credibility finding,” due to Microsoft withholding pertinent documents in her testimony.Read more

V betaverzi macOS je zmínka o chystaných počítačích iMac

Apple už přestal prodávat iMac Pro, takže se předpokládá, že tuto řadu ukončí nebo chystá novou generaci postavenou již na vlastních čipech s instrukční sadou Arm. Co už je ale nyní jisté, že Apple připravuje novou generaci klasických iMaců. Dle informací webu 9to5Mac se totiž v nejnovější

Proper Tabbing to Interactive Elements in Firefox on macOS

I just had to debug an issue with focusable elements in Firefox. Someone reported to me that when tabbing to a certain element within a CodePen embed, it shot the scroll position to the top of the page (WTF?!). So, … The post Proper Tabbing to Interactive Elements in Firefox on macOS...

Open a Browser Tab with DevTools Open by Default

Using command line flags is a great way to subtly improve productivity. Whether saving yourself keystrokes or enabling specific features, it’s very much worth knowing the application flags available to you. To launch a new tab with DevTools in Chrome, you can use...

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