
Nalezeno "TAYLOR": 95

How Plague Inc Evolved Once A Real Global Pandemic Came Along

Somehow, horrifyingly, it has been nearly a full year since most of us went into lockdown to wait out covid-19. And while there is a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a slowly, confusingly distributed vaccine, we’re still in the thick of it. On this week’s episode of the Splitscreen...

When QAnon Blows Up Your Friend Group

My ex was the first person to tell me about Q. This was near the end of 2016, and we were in the beginning stages of our relationship. I took it as us having the same, passive interest in conspiracy theories. The kind of interest where you go, “LOL sounds like a Dan Brown novel!” I laughed it...

What Did These Fuckers Think Was Going to Happen

After embracing violence for at least the past four years and explicitly encouraging Trump supports to swarm Washington D.C. today, Republican leaders from Ted Cruz to Don Jr. are now wringing their hands that the exact outcome many people predicted has come to pass.Read more

Browser Engine Diversity

We lost Opera when they went Chrome in 2013. Same deal with Edge when it also went Chrome earlier this year. Mike Taylor called these changes a "Decreasingly Diverse Browser Engine World" in a talk I'd like to see. So all we've got left is Chrome-stuff, Firefox-stuff, and Safari-stuff. Chrome...

Ryan Taylor Debunks Privacy Coin Status Being Given to Dash

Being studded with highly controversial attributes in its wide array of offerings, cryptocurrencies often have to bear the backlash of the financial heads. The privacy coins which offer the facility to users of hiding their crucial activity information on the network have always been the hot topic...

Dash is More Secure Than Bitcoin, Say Executives Of Dash Core Team

Executives of the Dash Core team have claimed that Dash Network is much more secure than Bitcoin. Several of them feel that the two recent developments, instant-by-default transactions, and an upgraded consensus protocol, will give the network considerable advantages in terms of user experience...

PR: New FATF Rules See VASP Industry Convene for V20 Summit

As the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) prepares to roll out a new set of rules to increase reporting requirements on cryptocurrency transactions at the G20 Leaders’ Summit this month, a collective of international industry associations have led an initiative to convene Virtual Assets Service...

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