A Plague Tale: Innocence dostane vylepšení pro nové konzole
GameStop tale exposes regulatory paternalism and DeFi’s true value
GameStop brings forward the prospect of a paradigm shift that challenges existing regulations: decentralization
A Classic Tale of Two Prep School Friends Who Founded the Uber of Hangover IV Drips Then Somehow Started Covid-19 Testing for Cities
Shortly before Thanksgiving, the Hoboken, New Jersey city council held an emergency meeting to vote on covid-19 testing contracts, the kind of event that was doubtlessly being replicated in Zoom conference rooms around the county. Hospitalizations in the state were the highest they’d been in...
King Arthur zpracovává artušovskou legendu jako temnou strategii
King Arthur: Knight's Tale přichází s vlastním výkladem artušovské legendy, a to ve formě strategie říznuté hrou na hrdiny. A nehraje se vůbec špatně
King Arthur: Knight's Tale vyjde 26. ledna v předběžném přístupu
Collective #637
Building TakeNote * Boop! * Native Aspect Ratio Boxes in CSS * List.js * A tale of four prototypes
The post Collective #637 appeared first on Codrops
iOS/Android sales deep dive: 'Meteorfall: Krumit's Tale'
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is normally written by ‘how people find your game’ expert Simon Carless, and is a regular look at how people discover and buy video games in the 2020s. Following a look at how his deckbuilding roguelike Meteorfall: Krumit’s Tale...
Data Deep Dive: 'Meteorfall: Krumit's Tale' on Steam
Gobs of information for your delectation
The Tell Tale Signs of a Scam Crypto Website: Bitcoin-Up.Live
From late March 2020, when the global pandemic Covid-19 paralysed many economies, the appeal of cryptocurrencies has grown. Several statistics show increased interest from downloaded wallet apps to peer-to-peer traded volumes. In many ways, this interest in bitcoin and altcoins is evidence that...
radEventListener: a Tale of Client-side Framework Performance
React is popular, popular enough that it receives its fair share of criticism. Yet, this criticism of React isn’t completely unwarranted: React and ReactDOM total about 120 KiB of minified JavaScript, which definitely contributes to slow startup time. When client-side rendering in React is relied...
Sovrin Foundation Sheds All Paid Staff in Tale of a Token Issuance Gone Wrong
The Sovrin Foundation, a digital ID non-profit, laid off all paid employees after failing to secure funding for an SEC-compliant token issuance’s Mining Video Censored: The Tale of Youtube’s Blatant Censorship and Propaganda
During the last few years, the Google-owned Youtube platform has been accused of massive censorship and in the last three months, the video streaming business resembles the Ministry of Propaganda, more than an online video-sharing platform. This week was also censored for sharing...
Art + Crypto Tale Takes New Twist as Artist Tokenizes His Output
#freetoexplore #swipelife, 2019. Exhibition view, Magasins Généraux, Pantin, France. Source:
Artists are increasingly turning to crypto-powered solutions to fundraising – and a future whereby both artists and their output are tokenized may not be far off.
In a glimpse of what might...
Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis: A Tale of Dance between Ripple, Stellar Lumens & Bitcoin
XRP (Ripple) and XLM (Stellar Lumens) can be seen dancing together in tune with Bitcoin’s price action. Current XRP and XLM prices are highly correlated to the BTC price action and in turn, correlated to each other as well as shown in the given chart below:     BTC/USD is denoted by...
The Cryptocurrency’s Tale: 20 Crypto Jokes
Though this week’s events were fewer, they were important for the community nonetheless.
Litecoin went through its second halving, followed by no dramatic changes in the metrics, while Bitcoin shot over USD 12,000 just to drop below USD 11,500 later again. In the meantime, BITpoint resumed trading...
Topsy-Turvy Tale of White Collar Hacker and Binance 7000 BTC Hack Recovery
Binance’s 7000 BTC which happened back in May theft is not unknown to anyone. A hacker with a pseudonym ‘Bnatov Platon’ was after the hackers who shaped this theft. The initial intention of Platon was selfless, and rather he wanted to bring justice. But this noble cause has soon turned sour. Platon...
Le Roux Biographer: Cartel Boss Is the Most Credible Satoshi Yet
Paul Le Roux is a criminal kingpin turned criminal informant whose misdeeds have filled a book. The author of that tome is investigative journalist Evan Ratliff, whose rip-roaring tale has recently received a postscript: Le Roux may also be Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. This week on the Humans...
Tron Price Analysis: Tron (TRX) Price Surge Is A Tale Of Turning Bears Into Bulls
Tron price has stated a phenomenal story of bears converting into bulls from yesterday till today. The current price surge in Tron is reflecting recovery but soon will turn into an uptrend in the crypto market. TRX has successfully maintained that price level at $0.033 since yesterday. Though...
Drawing Realistic Clouds with SVG and CSS
Greek mythology tells the story of Zeus creating the cloud nymph, Nephele. Like other Greek myths, this tale gets pretty bizarre and X-rated. Here’s a very abridged, polite version.
Nephele, we are told, was created by Zeus in the image of his own beautiful wife. A mortal meets Nephele, falls...
Facebook’s Stablecoin Gets A Mixed Response At The Testing Stage From India
It has been almost a year that we have been listening about the Stablecoin of Facebook. The latest predictions say that the Stablecoin will get launched in Q3 of this year. Since last year, there has been some hiring going on for the blockchain team of the company. The team includes who’s who...