
Nalezeno "US pools": 422

Embrace Privacy and Earn up to 150% APY With wZANO-USDT’s decentralized exchange, Verse DEX, has launched the second wZANO-USDT farm, offering an impressive APY of up to 150%. For full details, including instructions, head over here. This initiative is the continuation of the integration of the privacy-focused ZANO token into...

This Indie Game Captures The Oddly Beautiful Liminality Of Pools

For a lot of people, indie game POOLS will lean into horror territory. While the walking simulator doesn’t have any monsters chasing you down, the liminal design of its environment is very capable of unsettling the player. Long, interconnected rooms of tiling and oddly-shaped bodies of water...

Exclusive ‘Epic Satoshi’ Auction Launches, Bids Already Double to 2 BTC

Coinex has launched the auction for the ‘epic satoshi’ from the fourth halving, originally mined by the mining pool Viabtc. This event, marking Sat # 1,968,750,000,000,000, commenced with a starting bid of 1 bitcoin. Following ten subsequent bids, the highest offer has reached...

Over $11 Million in Liquidity Drained From SafeMoon by Unknown Individual

An unknown individual drained over $11 million in liquidity from various pools associated with the controversial cryptocurrency project SafeMoon on Monday. The transaction triggered immediate speculation about a possible connection to SafeMoon’s ongoing bankruptcy proceedings. Blockchain...

Moonwell’s Bold $2.3M Plan to Counter Frax Hack Debt Sparks Controversy

Moonwell, a decentralized finance (DeFi) borrowing and lending protocol, is facing controversy over its proposal to use $2.3 million worth of digital asset collateral to offset bad debt from Frax Finance (FRAX) pools due to a hack nearly two years ago. In a plebiscite held on December 31, 2023...

5 Mining Pools Dominated in 2023, Discovering Over 84% of Bitcoin’s Blocks

Over the past year, statistics reveal that 54,002 bitcoin blocks have been mined from Dec. 30, 2022, to Dec. 30, 2023. Leading the industry this year, Foundry USA topped the charts by mining 16,492 blocks in the past 12 months. Additionally, miners navigated through a total of 27 difficulty...

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