
Nalezeno "child": 125

Just another +1 for subgrid

I’d say 85% of my grid usage is in one of these two categories… I just need some pretty basic (probably equal width) columns that ends up being something like like grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr)); to be safe. Actually doing some real layout where five minutes in...

Learn Z-Index Using a Visualization Tool

There are some neat interactive demos in here from Thiru Manikandan. There are a couple of very tricky things with z-index that never fail to confuse. In addition to things like requiring positioning and source order, the trickiest are the stacking contexts and parent/child relationships. z-index...

Chromium lands Flexbox gap

I mentioned this the other day via Michelle Barker’s coverage, but here I’ll link to the official announcement. The main thing is that we’ll be getting gap with flexbox, which means: .flex-parent { display: flex; gap: 1rem; } .flex-child { flex: 1; } That’s excellent...

Pseudo-Randomly Adding Illustrations with CSS

Between each post of Eric Meyer’s blog there’s this rather lovely illustration that can randomly be one of these five options: Eric made each illustration into a separate background image then switches out that image with the nth-of-type CSS property, like this: .entry:nth-of-type(2n+1)::before...

CSS :nth-of-class selector

That's not a thing. But it kinda is! Bram covers how frustrating .bar:nth-child(2) is. It's not "select the second element of class .bar." It's "select the second element if it also has the class .bar." The good news? There is a real selector that does the former: :nth-child(2 of .bar) { } Safari...

Flexbox and absolute positioning

Chen Hui Jing notes that when you absolutely position a flex item, it's no longer part of the flex layout. Except... it kinda is a little bit. If you make the child position: absolute; but don't apply any top/right/bottom/left properties, then flexbox alignment will still apply to it. It's odd...

“weeds of specificity”

Lara Schenck: [...] with WordPress child themes, you are all but guaranteed to get into the weeds of specificity, hunting around theme stylesheets that you didn’t author, trying to figure out what existing declaration is preventing you from applying a new style, and then figuring out the least...

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