
Nalezeno "explorer": 120

A Business Case for Dropping Internet Explorer

The distance between Internet Explorer (IE) 11 and every other major browser is an increasingly gaping chasm. Adding support for a technologically obsolete browser adds an inordinate amount of time and frustration to development. Testing becomes onerous. Bug-fixing looms large. Developers have...

Developer Reveals Token Reward Platform Fueled by Bitcoin Cash

There’s a new crypto platform called Honeypoints that just released for beta testing on Apple’s Testflight. The digital currency application created by two former employees aims to fuel merchant adoption with loyalty rewards. The Honeypoints app is meant to stimulate retail... Launches High Speed Crypto Exchange for Retail Traders

Cryptocurrency investors looking for a trading platform focused on high speed performance just got a brand new option, from a company they probably already know and trust. Popular wallet provider is launching The Pit. Also Read: Launches New Bitcoin Cash Block Explorer...

SLP Developers Publish Specs for a Unique Type of Non-Fungible Tokens

The Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) has become a popular project within the Bitcoin Cash ecosystem because it gives anyone the ability to issue and transfer tokens in a permissionless fashion. Since the project was announced last year, there’s been a myriad of tokens created on the BCH chain....

Microsoft Edge nově umí zobrazovat weby stejně špatně jako Internet Explorer

Vývojářská verze prohlížeče Microsoft Edge Dev se už naučila plnohodnotný IE Mode. Inženýři z Redmondu jej poprvé představili na své výroční konferenci před pár měsíci a už podle svého názvu by to mělo být řešení, jak definitivně skoncovat s Internet Explorerem. Pokud stránku otevřete v režimu

Learn to Read Crypto and Blockchain Data With Our Guide

Just launched, our free block explorer guide will have you navigating blockchain data like the coolest kid on the block At CoinMarketCap, we have made it a mission to clearly communicate blockchain and crypto concepts in conjunction with providing data […] The post Learn to Read Crypto...

Explorer For Bitcoin Blockchain Launched By OKLink

OKLink, the associate concern of OKex the Malta-based virtual currency exchange has launched platform Bitcoin Block Explorer on Tuesday 25th June. The platform will allow its users to quickly investigate the transactions that will take place on the blockchain of Bitcoin. The newly launched platform...

Coinex Exchange Lists the first SLP-Based Stablecoin Built on Bitcoin Cash

On June 12, the cryptocurrency exchange Coinex announced the listing of a new Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) token called honestcoin (USDH). The website details that the new token is a fully regulated stablecoin issued on the Bitcoin Cash network backed 1-to-1 for U.S. dollars. Also...

How to Check Bitcoin Cash Transactions With a Block Explorer

A block explorer is a tool that enables cryptocurrency users to search addresses, balances, blocks, and transactions so they can verify all activities on the network. offers a BCH explorer, helping you to keep track of your coins. Also Read: Wallet and Card App Adds Bitcoin...

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