
Nalezeno "ford": 105

BMW, Renault, General Motors, Honda, Ford to Pilot Blockchain Project

Some of the world’s leading carmakers will begin a pilot for a blockchain-powered vehicle identification platform. The project might let the drivers of electric vehicles pay parking fees, maintenance fees, rest stop service fees and highway tolls charges faster and more effectively, without making...

Electric Geek Transportation Systems

I've never thought of myself as a "car person". The last new car I bought (and in fact, now that I think about it, the first new car I ever bought) was the quirky 1998 Ford Contour SVT. Since then we bought a VW station wagon in 2011

10% White Collar Jobs to be Cut by Ford Motors in a Major Revamp

As far as car manufacturing giants are concerned, Ford Motors is in a league of its own, and over the past decades, the iconic company has expanded aggressively in a range of markets. However, it has generally had mixed results with regards to its global adventure, and after years of reversals...

Ford Motor To Invest $11 Billion In EV

Ford which was among the leading automakers in the world has of late faced many challenges due to which it had to make the biggest transformation since its inception about a century ago. The focus of the company right now has shifted from passenger vehicles to electric vehicles and self-driving...

Ropná krize: konflikt, který navždy změnil nejen automobilový svět

Letos je tomu pětačtyřicet let od události, která prakticky ze dne na den proměnila celý svět. Nejen automobilový trh, ale i politiku a finanční situaci mnoha zemí. Tehdy jej zasáhla ropná krize, po které se ceny benzinu zněkolikanásobily a na své původní hodnoty už pak nikdy nevrátily. Další...

Navigace v autech Ford bude podporovat zadání cíle ve formátu What3Words

Automobilka Ford chce řidičům svých vozidel zjednodušit zadávání cíle cesty do navigace. Uzavřela proto dohodu se startupem What3Words, což v praxi znamená, že navigační systém bude podporovat určení cílového bodu v podobě tří slov. Geolokační systém What3Word rozděluje zeměkouli na 57 bilionů

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