
Nalezeno "front-end": 221

AWS Lambdas: Easy, Easier, Easiest

I’d say cloud functions are one of the most transformative technologies in the last bunch of years. They are (usually) cheap, scale well, secure in their inherit isolation, and often written in JavaScript—comfortable territory for front-end developers. Nearly every cloud … The post...

What I Wish I Knew About CSS When Starting Out As A Front-Ender

Nathan Hardy shares when things “clicked”: Reflecting back on this time, I think there are a few key concepts that were vital to things finally all making sense and fitting together. These were: • The Box Model (e.g. box-sizing, height, width, margin, padding)•...

Application-Specific Links

You know like https:? That’s a URL Scheme. You’re probably familiar with the concept, thanks to others that come up in front-end development, like mailto:. You can actually make your own, which is pretty cool. There … The post Application-Specific Links appeared first...

Designing for the Unexpected

When I think about what front-end development really is and feels like, this is at the heart of it: designing around a huge set of unknowns, and really embracing that notion as a strength of the web rather … The post Designing for the Unexpected appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Building a Cool Front End Thing Generator

Whether you are just starting out on the front end, or you’ve been doing it for a long time, building a tool that can generate some cool front-end magic can help you learn something new, develop your skills and maybe … The post Building a Cool Front End Thing Generator appeared first...

A Step-By-Step Process for Turning Designs Into Code

Turning website design files into a combination of HTML, CSS and JavaScript is the bread and butter of many front-end web development jobs, but there’s a part of this work that doesn’t neatly fit in to tutorials on any specific … The post A Step-By-Step Process for Turning Designs Into Code...

Jamstack Community Survey 2021

The folks over at Netlify have opened up the Jamstack Community Survey for 2021. More than 3,000 front-enders like yourself took last year’s survey, which gauged how familiar people are with the term “Jamstack” and which frameworks they … The post Jamstack Community Survey...

Jamstack Community Survey 2021

(This is a sponsored post.) The folks over at Netlify have opened up the Jamstack Community Survey for 2021. More than 3,000 front-enders like yourself took last year’s survey, which gauged how familiar people are with the … The post Jamstack Community Survey 2021 appeared first...

Kubernetes Explained Simply: Containers, Pods and Images

If you zone out every time someone mentions “Kubernetes,” “containers,” or “pods,” this article is for you. No complex diagrams involved! As a front-end developer, you don’t have to know how to configure an infrastructure from scratch. However, if you … The post Kubernetes Explained Simply:...

Principles for user-centered front-end development

Colin Oakley: • Accessible — Use semantic HTML, and make sure we meet the WCAG 2.1 AA standard as a minimum and it works with assisted technologies (this sits alongside the DWP Accessibility Manual) • Agnostic — Build … The post Principles for user-centered front-end...

Front-End Testing is For Everyone

Testing is one of those things that you either get super excited about or kinda close your eyes and walk away. Whichever camp you fall into, I’m here to tell you that front-end testing is for everyone. In fact, … The post Front-End Testing is For Everyone appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Serverless Functions: The Secret to Ultra-Productive Front-End Teams

Modern apps place high demands on front-end developers. Web apps require complex functionality, and the lion’s share of that work is falling to front-end devs: building modern, accessible user interfaces creating interactive elements and complex animations managing complex application...

Comparing the New Generation of Build Tools

A bunch of new developer tools have landed in the past year and they are biting at the heels of the tools that have dominated front-end development over the last few years, including webpack, Babel, Rollup, Parcel, create-react-app. These new … The post Comparing the New Generation of Build...

Where the World Wide Web Shines

Here’s a fabulous post by Vitaly Friedman that looks at how to make accessible front-end components and what problems there are today when it comes to building them. There’s so much great info packed into this one post that I’m … The post Where the World Wide Web Shines appeared first...

Creating Custom Form Controls with ElementInternals

Ever since the dawn of time, humanity has dreamed of having more control over form elements. OK, I might be overselling it a tiny bit, but creating or customizing form components has been a holy grail of front-end web development … The post Creating Custom Form Controls with ElementInternals...

Long Hover

I had a very embarrassing CSS moment the other day. I was working on the front-end code of a design that had a narrow sidebar of icons. There isn’t enough room there to show text of what the icons are, … The post Long Hover appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks...

Firebase Crash Course

This article is going to help you, dear front-end developer, understand all that is Firebase. We’re going to cover lots of details about what Firebase is, why it can be useful to you, and show examples of how. But … The post Firebase Crash Course appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

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