Představení WordPress kitu NášWP
V současné krizi vzniká mnoho dobrovolnických projektů. Ty mají své webové stránky a ty často používají WordPress. Startovací WordPress Kit pomůže s rychlým vytvořením dostatečně dobrého webu pro prezentaci projektu
Learn Eleventy From Scratch
The latest edition of Andy Bell’s Piccalilli landed in my inbox this morning with a sweet offer: preorder Andy’s course on learning Eleventy from scratch at a third of the price.
Why the plug? No, not sponsorships or anything like that. I just happen to hear a heckuva lot about Eleventy...
Emergency Website Kit
Here’s an outstanding idea from Max Böck. He’s created a boilerplate project for building websites that fit within a single HTTP request. This is extremely important for websites that contain critical information for public safety. As Max writes:
In cases of emergency, many organizations need...
Collective #599
Embracing modern image formats * Emergency Website Kit * Pencil Effect in SVG * Vincent * IMAP API
Collective #599 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
These Online Stores Will Sell You Masks, Gloves, Emergency Items for Cryptocurrency
Events like the global coronavirus outbreak provide good justification for some prepping. Crises like this often result in shortages and skyrocketing prices of important emergency items, proving that everyone should keep a box of face masks and even a decent survival kit, should things go really...
10 Interesting JavaScript and CSS Libraries for March 2020
New JavaScript tools from the Facebook developers team, an excellent Electron starter kit. and more in our web dev resources compilation for March!
Square Crypto Is Creating a ‘Lightning Development Kit’ for Bitcoin Wallets
Square Crypto is hoping to galvanize Lightning development with a new tool kit, currently under construction
Tata Consultancy Services Launches Blockchain App Deployment Kit
Major IT services firm Tata Consultancy Services has released the Quartz blockchain app development kit
Create Amazingly Stable Tests Your Way — Coded and Code-Less
Testim’s end-to-end test automation delivers the speed and stability of AI-based codeless tests, with the power of code. You get the flexibility to record or code tests, run on third-party grids, fit your workflow and tools including CI, Git and more. Join the Dev Kit beta to start writing stable...
Premier League’s Watford FC Puts Bitcoin Logo on Kit, Accepts BTC
The Bitcoin “B” logo will now appear on the shirt sleeve of Watford FC, which will also accept the cryptocurrency for team merchandise
Huawei chystá vlastní mapy. Říká jim Map Kit a vytvoří je společně s Ruskem
Po květnovém embargu ze strany Spojených států si čínský Huawei zjevně uvědomil, jak moc je v segmentu mobilních telefonů závislý na aplikacích a službách Googlu. Minulý týden proto představil svůj vlastní operační systém HarmonyOS, který je zatím k dispozici jen v televizoru Honor
Na oběžné dráze bude testován kit pro kosmické biotěžařství
Ve vesmíru se již rozbíhá těžba surovin • Prozatím ale jen na palubě Mezinárodní vesmírné stanice • Právě zde bude otestován unikátní kit pro těžbu s pomocí bakterií
PR: bitHolla Releases Open Exchange Kit HollaExShell
bitHolla, the company that builds customized cryptocurrency trading software is announcing the launch of its new product HollaExShell, an open exchange software package, giving anyone the ability to launch a full fledged crypto exchange from a command-line interface. HollaEx packages provided...
Samsung Releases Blockchain and DApp Software Development Kit
Tech giant Samsung has rolled out a blockchain and decentralized app software development kit
Externí box Samsung Evolution Kit – tak dobrý, že jej Samsung nechce prodat každému [test]
Máte starší TV Samsung a chcete komfortně přejít na DVB-T2 a nový lepší systém? Evolution Kit SEK-4500 to dokáže. Samsung jej ale uměle omezuje jen na konkrétní modely
Good News for Developers! ConsenSys is Launching ‘Job Kits’
The already booming crypto world is setting structure in place. Now, those developers who are interested in getting into the blockchain space, they will get guidance through a special ‘Job Kit.’ A few days ago, this ‘Job Kit’ is launched by the ETH development studio ConsenSys. How will this...
Consensys Launches ETH Blockchain, DApp Developer Job Kit to Help Hopefuls Enter Market
New York-based blockchain firm ConsenSys has released a new Blockchain and Dapp Developer Job Kit to help aspiring Ethereum blockchain developers enter the market
ConsenSys Launches ‘Jobs Kit’ to Help Devs Enter the Blockchain Industry
Ethereum development studio ConsenSys has launched a blockchain “job kit” to guide developers wishing to enter the growing blockchain space
Nesting Components in Figma
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been building our UI Kit at Gusto, where I work, and this is a Figma document that contains all of our design patterns and components so that designers on our team can hop in, go shopping for a component that they need, and then get back to working on the problem...
Collective #427
Rabbit Ear * DevTube * Lepto * Accessibility inspector * Stream UI Kit * IssueHunt * Web Animations in WebKit * Gio.js
Collective #427 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops