Animated Fantasy Cryptozoo Finds Beauty in the Truly Strange
In a world where cryptids are real but misunderstood, a trio of women (one of whom happens to be a Gorgon) join forces to protect the strange beasts that lurk among us. But as we see in Dash Shaw’s gloriously colorful adult animation Cryptozoo, sometimes the best intentions aren’t always what’s...
Our Favorite Comic Moments of 2020
While 2020 posed more than its fair share of significant challenges for virtually everyone working within the entertainment industry, comics in particular stood as an example of creative teams adapting on the fly—and doing their damndest to keep telling compelling stories at a time when people...
Marvel's Weird New Multiplayer Mobile Game Goes Live
Available worldwide today for iOS and Android devices, Marvel Realm of Champions is an online team-based brawler that taps into 2015's Secret Wars comic crossover to give players access to strange, alternate-dimension versions of their favorite heroes. Read more