
Nalezeno "operating systems": 100

How to Filter Spotify Playlists by Genre or Mood

Odds are good that your “Liked Songs” playlist on Spotify is a mishmash of genres and artists that don’t exactly flow together. Personally, I don’t necessarily want to listen to songs from Gorguts, Megan Thee Stallion, and the Spirited Away soundtrack back-to-back-to-back. No DJ in their right...

Welcome To Hell, Bambi

This week on Snapshots we have some great Assasin’s Creed shots, a laid back Spider-Man, a large rodent in danger, some nice-looking vistas, and one very, very lost deer. Read more

Ensuring the correct vertical position of large text

Tobi Reif notes how the position of custom fonts set at very large font sizes can be super different, even in the same browser across operating systems. The solution? Well, you know how there are certain CSS properties that only … The post Ensuring the correct vertical position of large text...

What's New on Netflix in March 2021

In the absence of broadly appealing new films and TV series (no Oscar hopefuls this month, I’m afraid), Netflix appears to be looking to the podcast market to figure out how to keep its massive subscriber base happy. Its new offerings in March include a host of documentary series and specials that...

Bending Over Backwards

This week on Snapshots we get some more Ghost of Tsushima screenshots, see what the Avengers are up to, spy on Spider-Man, look at pretty flowers, get angry and bend over backward.Read more

How to Get Rid of Reddit's Persistent Mobile Popup

You would think, given its recent $6 billion valuation, Reddit would have the confidence to get rid of the pop-up the site serves up whenever you try to visit anything on its domain in your mobile browser (when you’re not logged in), begging you to use the app instead. Alas.Read more

Hackers Bring New Version Of Android To Nintendo Switch

Developers who originally got Android running on Switch back in 2019 have reportedly now managed to port a new version of the operating system to Nintendo’s hybrid console, bringing with it a slew of new features and fixes.Read more

Terraria Dev Cancels Stadia Port Over Being Shut Out Of Google Accounts

The sprawling 2D world-crafting game Terraria has been ported almost everywhere. One place it won’t be going? Stadia. At least according to one of its creators who recently took to Twitter to cancel the streaming version of the game after—he says—Google locked him out of all of his accounts.Read...

Magic: The Gathering Arena Now Available On Google Play

Magic: The Gathering Arena, the online multiplayer version of the popular trading-card game, launched today in early access for select Android devices via Google Play, with an iOS version due out later this year. Playing involves some squinting, but now it’s even harder to put down. Read more

On dependency

Rob Weychert: But I can’t host your site or even my own site. I didn’t build the CMS. Other people made the hardware and software I use to generate and optimize images. Other people made the fonts. Other people standardized the digital formats for those images and fonts. I didn’t write the HTML...

My New Mac Setup and Why I Switched

I want to start this article by saying that I'm not here to start or take part in any brand war between Microsoft and Apple. I like both companies and have switched between operating systems occasi Launches Free Bitcoin Cash Register Platform for iOS Devices

About a month ago, launched its free point-of-sale solution, Bitcoin Cash Register, for Android operating systems. This week our developers have released Bitcoin Cash Register for iOS mobile phones allowing any merchant with an Apple device to accept bitcoin cash payments. Also read:...

Scroll to the Future

This is an interesting read on the current state of scrollbars and how to control their behavior across operating systems and browsers. The post also highlights a bunch of stuff I didn’t know about, like Element.scrollIntoView() and the scroll-behavior CSS property. My favorite part of all though?...

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