Microsoft odkládá své letošní hity Starfield a Redfall na příští rok
Netrpělivě očekávaný Starfield od autorů kultovního Skyrimu a nadějná týmová střílečka Redfall letos nevyjdou. Vydavatelství Microsoft se rozhodlo pořádně odladit jejich technický stav, a tak je odložilo na příští rok
Kultovní klasiky Daggerfall a Arena vyjdou na Steamu
Vydavatelství Bethesda konečně zařadí do digitální distribuce původní prapředky dobře známého Skyrimu. První dva díly série The Elder Scrolls se již brzy objeví na Steamu
Dark Souls 3 Player Beats The Game Without Taking A Single Step
Many of FromSoftware’s games are punishing. They require calmness, patience, and quick reflexes, as any wrong move or panicked action could—and often does—result in an unceremonious death. So, you’d think taking advantage of every tool in your arsenal when exploring FromSoft’s games would be...
Herní babička se po infarktu vrací ke Skyrimu. Zapomněla, jak se hraje
Pětaosmdesátiletá Shirley Curry, kterou zná herní svět jako skyrimovou babičku, se vrací ke streamování. Za její pauzu mohly zdravotní potíže, kvůli prodělanému infarktu podle svých slov dokonce zapomněla, jak se její oblíbené RPG vůbec hraje
Bethesda Ditching Its Stupid Launcher, Returning To Steam
Easily one of the worst trends to hit PC gaming in the last decade has been the obsession major publishers have had with creating their own launchers and digital marketplaces, moves which have done little for the user but make botting up a game fiddlier and more tedious.Read more
Hráč vydírá autory Skyrimu. Dokud nebude nový díl, zabije jedno NPC denně
Od vydání zatím posledního dílu série The Elder Scrolls už uplynulo víc než deset let a další je stále v nedohlednu. Naštvaný fanoušek se proto rozhodl popohnat autory poněkud drastickým způsobem a každý den na svůj youtubový kanál přidává video, jak různými způsoby vraždí jednu z vedlejších postav...
New Game Collects Dozens Of Lockpicking Minigames, From Skyrim To Mass Effect
Many video games include lockpicking or unlocking minigames. Some of these are annoying, while others are memorable or even fun. And a single game, more a virtual museum, has collected all of these unlocking minigame experiences into one experience, offering players and game designers a fantastic...
Fanoušek dohrál Skyrim za pouhých 72 minut, klíčem k úspěchu je pití vína
V obrovském světě legendárního RPG The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim se lze ztratit na stovky hodin a přitom ani nedokončit hlavní příběhovou linku. Fanoušek vystupující pod přezdívkou nucular to ovšem dokázal za pouhých 72 minut, aniž by přitom porušil pravidla nastavená autory hry. A prý to jde ještě...
Skyrim's New Fishing Mini-Game: The Kotaku Review
Fishing in video games is tricky to nail. Many games offer such a mechanic, but few actually pull it off. Personally, I can’t even recall a single fishing mini-game I’ve wrung enjoyment out of in the last few years. Pokémon? Tedious, annoying. Fire Emblem: Three Houses? Zzzzz. Hades? The only thing...
Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Explained
Yesterday, just a week before it launches, Bethesda finally revealed how much Skyrim Anniversary Edition will cost: $50. But what you’re actually getting in the latest version of the decade-old game is a bit confusing, so let’s break it down.Read more
Skyrim's New Board Game Will Have A Prequel Campaign
The publisher behind the Dishonored, Fallout, and The Elder Scrolls tabletop games is planning to release a Skyrim board game in 2022. Skyrim - The Adventure Game will include several story campaigns, including a prequel to the events of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.Read more
Skyrim IRL TikTok Star Arrested, Charged With Murdering His Wife & Her Friend
Ali Nassar Abulaban, aka JinnKid, is the actor behind Skyrim In Real Life, a series of incredibly popular TikTok videos. He was arrested last week and charged with murdering two people, including his wife.Read more
Starfield’s Massive Script Equals Massive Amounts Of Work, Say Devs
At the Tokyo Game Show yesterday, Bethesda’s creative director Todd Howard told an audience that upcoming space-faring RPG Starfield will have more than 150,000 lines of dialogue. If that sounds like a lot, that’s because it is. In response to the announcement, some developers at other AAA studios...
Despite Hype, Former Skyrim Mod The Forgotten City Is Kind Of A Mess
There is a special joy to a B game. B games are weird and messy and overly ambitious. Their reach exceeds their grasp, and I mean that as a positive trait. They are the games which stick with you in half-remembered fragments, or inexplicably vivid portraits. The Forgotten City is nothing if not a...
Skyrim x Chick-fil-A Is A Mod We Should All Be Playing
There’s a whole genre of videos out there of people pretending to be playing Skyrim in real-life situations, but it’s been a minute since I’ve seen one this good.Read more
It's 2021 And I Can Still Be Impressed Seeing Skyrim Modded To Hell And Back
I wrote a short thing in 2012 about a copy of Skyrim that was running 100 mods at once, and I know you can’t see the data on the post itself, but it was at the time one of the most popular stories to have ever been published on the site.Read more
Mod Designed To Make Skyrim Unplayable Banned For Same Reason
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a popular game that millions of people are still playing a decade after it was first released. And thanks to mods and user-created content, some have dedicated years of their lives to playing this game. Bethesda’s insistence on re-releasing the iconic RPG likely isn’t...
Xbox Doesn't Want You To Name Your Baby 'Game Pass'
Game Pass is a fantastic service, offering you a ton of games across console and PC for a shockingly small amount of money. But no matter how much you love Game Pass, listen to Xbox executive Aaron Greenberg who asks you don’t name your next child “Game Pass.” Please. Read more
Na listopad se chystá další edice Skyrimu
It's 2021 And Bethesda Has Announced Another Skyrim Port
Bethesda announced today that its nearly decade-old open-world RPG hit, Skyrim, is once again being ported to consoles both old and new. This time the publisher is sprucing it up with fan-created content. It’s called Skyrim Anniversary Edition, and it’s coming out on November 11, 2021 for PS5,...