
Nalezeno "30 stablecoins": 1756

Circle Chooses BNY Mellon to Custody USDC Reserves

Boston-based Circle Internet Financial has announced the company has selected BNY Mellon to custody the firm’s usd coin (USDC) reserves. The company’s dollar-pegged crypto asset is currently the second-largest stablecoin with a current market capitalization of $51.6 billion....

CoinFLEX CEO Mark Lamb Explains How flexUSD Stacks up to Other Stablecoins

CoinFLEX creates innovative solutions to bring investors and crypto markets together through intuitive yield products such as flexUSD, the world’s first interest-earning stablecoin, and AMM+, the most-capital efficient automated market maker in the world. CoinFLEX is backed by crypto...

Bitcoin & Stablecoins Most Resilient as Crypto Market Sentiment Drops Again

  Sentiment across the crypto market dropped for the second consecutive week, although some of the largest cryptoassets were almost unchanged in price over the past week. According to the market sentiment analysis service Omenics, the average 7-day sentscore for the top 10 cryptos tracked dropped...

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