
Nalezeno "Up Mobile": 1325

Noncustodial Bitcoin Cash Client Zapit Demos In-Wallet SLP Dividends Tool

During the last week, Bitcoin Cash proponents have been discussing Zapit, the noncustodial BCH wallet that also supports Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) tokens. Zapit’s team recently revealed on Twitter that developers have been working with a new dividends tool built into the mobile wallet....

[článek] Jak využít dobu dotykovou naplno, ukáže Mobile Internet Forum

[2 minuty čtení] Konference Mobile Internet Forum se zaměří na nejaktuálnější vývoj na trhu mobilních telekomunikací, ale přinese i pohled na dobu dotykovou jako příležitost pro byznys. Kdy a kde v Česku odstartují 5G sítě? Jak je to s neomezenými daty? A jak to chodí v době sledovacího...

A Bit on CI/CD

I’d say “website” fits better than “mobile app” but I like this framing from Max Lynch: Every production mobile app ultimately has a set of recurring tasks around integration, testing, deployment, and long term maintenance. These tasks often must be automated across...

That’s Just How I Scroll

How do you know a page (or any element on that page) scrolls? Well, if it has a scrollbar, that’s a pretty good indication. You might still have to scrapple with your client about “the fold” or whatever, but I don’t think anyone is confused at what a scrollbar is or what...

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