VIA chystá velký návrat, chce konkurovat Intelu a AMD s vlastními x86 procesory
Tchaj-wanská společnost VIA je vedle AMD jediným držitelem licencí pro výrobu x86 procesorů. Po ústupu desktopových procesorů této značky na začátku tisíciletí se výroba přesunula především do tzv. embedovaných systémů pro průmyslové využití. Podle webu by se však v příštích letech mohla
Thunderbolting Your Video Card
When I wrote about The Golden Age of x86 Gaming, I implied that, in the future, it might be an interesting, albeit expensive, idea to upgrade your video card via an external Thunderbolt 3 enclosure.
I'm here to report that the future is now.
Yes, that's right, I paid $500
Using ARIA in HTML
ARIA (WAI-ARIA if you want to be formal) is a set of attributes that you can add to HTML elements. These attributes communicate role, state and property semantics to assistive technologies via the accessibility APIs implemented in browsers. The W3C HTML specification provides information about...
Using ARIA in HTML
ARIA (WAI-ARIA if you want to be formal) is a set of attributes that you can add to HTML elements. These attributes communicate role, state and property semantics to assistive technologies via the accessibility APIs implemented in browsers. The W3C HTML specification provides information about...
Decentralized Internet Project MaidSafe to Raise Funds via ‘Safecoin’ Sale
The organization working to create a decentralized Internet starts its native payment system with a crowd-sale starting tomorrow