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Escape From Tarkov Devs Drag Thousands Of Banned Cheaters In Public

Cheaters suck. By exploiting vulnerabilities in any given game, either through datamined hacks or purchasable cheats, charlatans can ruin the fun for everyone involved. Sometimes these swindlers need to be publicly shamed to grasp the gravity of the ban hammer that’s fallen upon them, and that’s...

Managing Fonts in WordPress Block Themes

Fonts are a defining characteristic of the design of any site. That includes WordPress themes, where it’s common for theme developers to integrate a service like Google Fonts into the WordPress Customizer settings for a “classic” PHP-based theme. That hasn’t … Managing Fonts in WordPress...

Podcasty zamíří do YouTube Music. O Podcasty Google se zatím bát nemusíte

Google svou hudební streamovací službu rozšíří o podcasty. Ústy Kai Chuka, šéfa podcastové sekce v YouTubu, to oznámil to během Hot Pod Summitu v Brooklynu. Za překvapivý tento krok považovat nelze, protože konkurence běžně spojuje muziku s podcasty. Navíc YouTube už podcastovou sekci spustil loni

Everything You Need to Know About the Gap After the List Marker

I was reading “Creative List Styling” on Google’s blog and noticed something odd in one of the code examples in the ::marker section of the article. The built-in list markers are bullets, ordinal numbers, and letters. The ::marker pseudo-element … Everything You Need to Know About...

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