Cake Bash Is A Deliciously Sweet Take On Mario Party
Everyone loves a good sugar rush. It’s why, no matter how big the backlog, we gravitate to games that could generously be qualified as comfort food. But the sweetest sugar-rush I’ve run into lately isn’t some paint-by-numbers first-person shooter you’ve played a hundred times or some formulaic...
You Can Get a Nintendo Switch Pro Controller and Super Mario Odyssey Together for $69, So Go Ahead and Say It
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller + Super Mario Odyssey | $69 | WalmartRead more
Food and Cash Shortages Push Cubans Toward Permissionless Cryptocurrencies
The Nation of Cuba is dealing with a national food crisis, as Venezuela has stopped offering aid to the small island nation. Moreover, the coronavirus outbreak has caused a shortage of cash couriers called “mules” and everyday items are becoming scarcer. Amid the crisis, a number...
Bitcoin Miners Revenue Plunge 48% as Halving Impact Kicks In
Revenue for Bitcoin (BTC) miners plunged 48% a day following the third halving, as the full impact of the periodic supply cut event began to take effect. According to data from crypto company Blockchain, the total value of block subsidies and transaction fees paid to miners crashed to $8.95 million...
Create a Wave Motion Effect on an Image with Three.js
Learn how to make a wave motion effect on an image with Three.js.
Create a Wave Motion Effect on an Image with Three.js was written by Mario Carrillo and published on Codrops
ECB President: ’We Should Be Happier to Have a Job Than to Have Our Savings Protected’
Newly installed European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde made controversial remarks in a recent statement prior to assuming her new role. The former IMF Managing Director implored: “isn’t it true that ultimately we have done the right thing to act in favour of jobs and...
Bank of Lithuania Issues Guidelines on Security Token Offerings
Recognizing that businesses are seeking alternative ways to raise capital other than bank lending, the Bank of Lithuania has issued new guidelines on security token offerings. The goal is to clarify applicable rules without introducing more regulations. Also read: Mario Draghi Leaves European...
Tax Form to Report Revenues From Cryptocurrency Trading Issued in Poland
Authorities in Poland have clarified the taxation of revenues received from cryptocurrency exchange transactions. The Ministry of Finance has recently published a 2019 tax form that has a dedicated section where taxpayers are expected to declare separately proceeds from crypto trading. Also read:...
Mario Draghi Leaves European Central Bank Without Ever Raising Interest Rates
Preparing for a change at the top, the European Central Bank has decided to keep interest rates on hold and at their all-time lows. Mario Draghi, who had his last monetary policy meeting as president of the ECB, is leaving after an eight-year term during which key rates were never raised. At...
Create Text in Three.js with Three-bmfont-text
A short tutorial on how to create animated text in Three.js with three-bmfont-text and give it a nice look using shaders.
Create Text in Three.js with Three-bmfont-text was written by Mario Carrillo and published on Codrops
Collective #543
JavaScript: The Modern Parts * Ruffle * Pagemap * Mario HTML * Consume less, create more
Collective #543 was written by Pedro Botelho and published on Codrops
Liquid Exchange Launches BCH/USDC Trading Pairs
The global cryptocurrency trading platform Liquid has announced the release of its new BCH/USDC trading pairs allowing anyone to swap bitcoin cash for the popular stablecoin USDC. Moreover, Liquid users will soon be able to connect their accounts to’s new Bitcoin Cash Register...
How to Patch Retry System into Super Mario ROMs
I find myself watching less TV lately and much more time enjoying gamers stream on Twitch. While I too much PUBG, and enjoy watching people like Shroud and ChocoTaco hit bangers, I get more enjoyment out of Grand Poo Bear, Barbarian, and others play ultra difficult Super Mario World ROM hacks....
Sedm let pracoval na portu Maria, Nintendo mu ho zatrhlo po čtyřech dnech
Společnost Nintendo je kromě skvělých her známá i důsledným vymáháním autorských práv. A výjimky nedělá ani kvůli na koleni vytvořeným projektům oddaných fanoušků.Další články k tématu:Prodeje Switche překonaly N64, na E3 nový hardware oznámen nebudeKOMENTÁŘ: Co máte pořád s tím Nintendem? Pohled...
Stín jménem GDPR se nezadržitelně blíží do marketingových domácností
Na začátku března na 300 marketérů kompletně zaplnilo sál pražského hotelu Clarion. Zpočátku to vypadalo, že se tu bude dít něco ilegálního. Naštěstí zasáhla Petra Dolejšová z advokátní kanceláře eLegal a srovnala si účastníky „do latě“. S osmi dalšími spíkry rozebrali všechny marketingové...
Google Mapy připravily překvapení. Vaši cestu provede Super Mario
Tak jako každý rok, i letos se 10. března konal mezinárodní den Super Maria. Vedle všemožných akcí, jako slevy na hry od Nintenda, se slavná herní společnost domluvila s Googlem a pro fanoušky italského opraváře, který se už více než 20 let snaží zachránit princeznu Peach, připravila v Google
Super Mario Odyssey: legendární instalatér se vrátil ve skvělé formě
Neuvěřitelných skoro 33 let je kníratý Mario na světě. Fenomén má na kontě už hromadu her a vždy, když vyjde nový titul, tak se prodává jako rohlíky. S novým přírůstkem, který má podtitul Odyssey, tomu není jinak. Nintendo tak nejen oživuje legendárního instalatéra, ale rozšiřuje portfolio nového...
Midweek Steam Sale, Mario Kart Slot Cars, and More Deals
Steam's offering a surprisingly huge midweek sale on a ton of mystery-themed games, including Gone Home ($8), L.A. Noire ($5), Alan Wake ($5), and a lot more. [Steam]Read more
Deals: 3DS XL, Playstation Plus, Mario Kart 8, Attack on Titan, Blek
Surprisingly, Mario Kart 8, which is selling very well, is still on sale for $49. We don't expect this to last too much longer, so grab the wheel while you can. As we've noted before you can still register your copy of Mario Kart 8 with Club Nintendo to grab a free game. [Mario Kart...
Deals: PSN Best of E3 Sale, Persona Q, Layton vs. Wright, Mario Kart 8
Seriously, if you want the Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth: The Wild Cards Premium Edition, get it now. Wouldn't be surprised if it's gone before the end of the day. Amazon doesn't charge you until it ships, so just get your copy locked in. [Persona Q]Read more