
Nalezeno "web": 2239

The `ping` attribute on anchor links

I didn’t know this was a thing until Stefan Judis’s post: <a href="" ping=""Read popular posts</a You give an anchor link a URL via a ping attribute, and the browser will hit that URL with a...

Collective #656

Swipey image grids * Kaboom!!! * Web Browser Engineering * An accessible toggle The post Collective #656 appeared first on Codrops

[aktualita] Nefunguje přihlášení na Portál občana, web hlásí chybu ztotožnění

Jeden z hlavních pilířů e-governmentu, Portál občana, je momentálně nedostupný. Uživatelé se do něj nemohou přihlásit. Při pokusu web pouze ukáže chybovou hlášku „chyba ztotožnění“. Autor: screenshot, Na samotném portálu je uvedeno, že přihlášení není možné z technických důvodů. „Vážení...

Space Jam

It’s certainly worth noting that the Space Jam website, which made its way into umpteen conference talks for being fabulous evidence of the web’s strength in backward compatibility, has been replaced. We could have saw that coming. Everything is … The post Space Jam appeared...

British Authorities Take Down Dark Web Ecstasy Gang, Seize $5.8M in Drugs

The string of dark web gangs being cracked down by law enforcement is still alive across the world. Recently, the British authorities dismantled an unnamed dark web band known for selling ecstasy and gathering millions of dollars worth of crypto. Gang Sold Ecstasy, Amphetamine, and Diazepam...

'Shop Contest: Easter Sunday 2021

To those who celebrate, Happy Easter! To those who don’t care or just realized today is Easter Sunday, happy Sunday! A year ago things were bad. Today, things are...still bad. But getting better! I think. Read more

Where the World Wide Web Shines

Here’s a fabulous post by Vitaly Friedman that looks at how to make accessible front-end components and what problems there are today when it comes to building them. There’s so much great info packed into this one post that I’m … The post Where the World Wide Web Shines appeared first...

Overlay Fact Sheet

I would hope all our web designer/developer spidey senses trigger when the solution to an accessibility problem isn’t “fix the issue” but rather “add extra stuff to the page.” This Overlay Fact Sheet website explains that. An “Overlay” is one … The...

This Web Site is a Tech Talk

This literal tech talk (YouTube video embedded in there) by Zach Leatherman is a good time. The talk is sprinkled with fun trickery, so I’m just taking notes on some on it here: I have no idea how he pulled … The post This Web Site is a Tech Talk appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

You want margin-inline-start

David Bushell in ”Changing CSS for Good“: I’m dropping “left“ and “right“ from my lexicon. The new CSS normal is all about Logical Properties and Values […] It can be as easy as replacing left/right … The post You want margin-inline-start appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Deliver Enhanced Media Experiences With Google’s Core Web Vitals

Hello! Satarupa Chatterjee from Cloudinary. There is a big change coming from Google in May 2021 having to do with their Core Web Vitals (CWVs). It’s worth paying attention here, as this is going to be a SEO factor. I … The post Deliver Enhanced Media Experiences With Google’s Core...

Tricking WCV

Google has said that Web Core Vitals (WCV) are going to be an SEO factor, and the date is nigh: May 2021. So, I’m seeing some scrambling to make sure those metrics are good. Ya know, the acronym … The post Tricking WCV appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being...

This Might Be the Only YouTube Browser Extension You'll Ever Need

YouTube is a real mixed bag. It’s home to so much of our favorite stuff on the internet, but the experience of using website itself isn’t great—filled with distracting recommendations, poor personalization, and ads, ads, ads—unless you take advantage of desktop browser extensions that can make... spustil nový web pro vývojáře

Prostřednictvím nové webové stránky umožní česká internetová jednička, společnost, odborné veřejnosti využívat rozmanité nástroje pro vývojáře, a to ve… The post spustil nový web pro vývojáře appeared first on

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