Bitcoin-Friendly Top US Banking Regulator Aims to Solve Banks’ Problems With Decentralization
The new top banking regulator for the Trump administration sees “huge and great promise” in cryptocurrency. Focusing on decentralized networks, bitcoin, and rewriting existing regulations, he shares his views on cryptocurrency and the creation of the digital dollar. Top US Banking...
Donald Trump si přivlastňuje úspěchy NASA a SpaceX. Američané podepisují petici
Již tisíce Američanů podepsali novou petici, která vyzývá Donalda Trumpa, aby si přestal přivlastňovat úspěchy SpaceX a NASA. Jde o reakci na nedávno zveřejněné video Make Space Great Again, které mj. obsahuje záběry z úspěšného vypuštění kosmické lodi Crew Dragon s posádkou.
Podle Erica Bergera,
2020 Libertarian Presidential Candidate Jo Jorgensen Talks Bitcoin, Endless Wars, Covid-19 Response
On June 8, chatted with the U.S. 2020 Libertarian candidate for president, Joanne Jorgensen. The Libertarian Party’s nominee for president is the party’s first female candidate and she is a firm believer in free markets and civil liberties. This week our newsdesk...
Trump Predicts US Economy to Recover by 2021 — Fed Chair, Economists Disagree
President Donald Trump has predicted that the US economy will recover by 2021, citing new jobs data released by the Labor Department which contains a “misclassification error.” Officials say the numbers are artificially low, and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and several...
The Decentralized Web Has Plans, if Not Solutions, to the Misinformation Nightmare
Donald Trump's recent spat with Twitter over the limits of free speech poses a question: Could decentralized media do better? It hasn't yet, as Civil and TruStory show, but Jack Dorsey wants to test some ideas
[článek] Twitter vs. Donald Trump, AI nahrazuje novináře a Facebook rozděluje uživatele
[11 minut čtení] Potíže zahraničních „eRoušek“, YouTube straní Číně, ByteDance dohání Facebook v příjmech a JKR dává knížku online a zdarma. Co ještě přinesl právě končící #tyden? Australská eRouška (Covidsafe) nefunguje. Nepodařilo se jí dosáhnout 40% penetrace a výsledkem její existence je jeden...
Buterin and Winklevosses Address Twitter Censorship Battle
Twitter's recent fact-checking efforts have caused a stir in the crypto space
In Trump Versus Twitter, Decentralized Tech May Win
Campaigners against Section 230 said Trump’s intervention might derail their cause, but it could offer an opportunity for decentralized tech
[aktualita] Donald Trump chce zbavit sociální sítě ochrany před odpovědností za obsah uživatelů
Americký prezident Donald Trump v reakci na označení svých dvou tweetů za sporné vydal prezidentský výnos (executive order), ve kterém nařizuje vládním úřadům vyložit několik paragrafů klíčového amerického zákona upravujícího fungování online služeb. Dotyčná norma (Section 230) vylučuje...
Will Trump's Social Media Executive Order Help Against Crypto YouTube Bans?
U.S. President Trump's new executive order touches on media censorship, something crypto YouTubers know all too well
Trump Threatens to Close Down Social Media Platforms After Twitter Tampers With His Tweets
A row with Twitter has provoked U.S. President Donald Trump to threaten to close down social media platforms. This follows Twitter tampering with Trump’s tweets to alert people to fact check his claims. Trump is further outraged by Twitter’s use of “fake news” sources...
This Is Not Capitalism: How Covid-19 Shined a Light on America’s Fascist System
In the last few months, giant American corporations and financial incumbents that are subsidized by the U.S. government, have profited immensely during the coronavirus outbreak. This has caused certain groups of people and those who despise wealth to claim that “capitalism is broken.”...
Trump Signs Deregulation Order to Boost US Economic Recovery
U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to eliminate “unnecessary regulations that impede economic recovery” following the coronavirus crisis. With this deregulation, government agencies are “encouraged to promote economic recovery through non-regulatory...
Trump's Fed Nominee Advocates a Gold-Backed Currency, Even a Crypto One
Judy Shelton, President Trump's nominee for the Federal Reserve board of governors, has advocated for getting back to a gold standard, possible "in a very cryptocurrency way."
Ransomware Gang Demands $42M or it Releases Trump’s ‘Dirty Laundry’
The ransomware gang responsible for stealing almost 1TB of legal secrets from celebrities and entertainers last week is now targeting the President
No, Donald Trump, Negative Rates Aren't a 'Gift' Bitcoin Advocates Warn
What seems to be a fresh attempt to sway the Fed to take rates negative saw immediate backlash from sound-money supporters
Justin Amash Reveals Third-Party Presidential Bid: Pro-Bitcoin Libertarian Candidate Targets Trump’s Seat
U.S. President Donald Trump now has an unexpected challenger as the independent congressman from Michigan, Justin Amash, says he plans to run as a Libertarian candidate in the 2020 election. Besides John McAfee and Adam Kokesh, Amash is also a pro-crypto candidate, a believer in free markets,...
Boon for Bitcoin, Donald Trump as Ex-Fed Official Pushes to Tax Savers
After U.S. oil turned negative, the Fed’s interest rates may be next in line, warns one of its ex-presidents
The Stimulus Cover Up: Small Businesses Cheated, Corrupt Covid-19 Stats, Crony Benefits
Last week thousands of Americans have been reporting that they received their stimulus check, while many people have been having issues with the system. Moreover, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security (CARES) Act has not been able to cover everyone and the Small Business...
Former Bakkt CEO Appointed to Trump’s Task Force for Reopening the Economy
Kelly Loeffler, former CEO of Intercontinental Exchange subsidiary Bakkt, is joining Trump’s bipartisan task force for getting Americans back to work