
Nalezeno "facebook": 2240

[aktualita] WSJ: Facebook možná čeká vyšetřování kvůli interoperabilitě

Vyšetřování, které podle amerického listu The Wall Street Journal zvažuje a připravuje Federální obchodní komise (FTC), má řešit nedostatečnou interoperabilitu s aplikacemi třetích stran a naopak až přílišnou provázanost vlastních aplikací Facebooku. Facebook podle FTC možná porušuje americká...

How Facebook Avoids Ad Blockers

Dylan Paulus: Facebook actually hides 'dummy' DOM nodes between the 'Sponsored' text. These values are entirely random characters, with a random number of DOM nodes between them. Invisible characters. At this point our CSS ad blocker is completely broken. There is no way for us to possibly code...

EU Finance Ministers Place Defacto Ban on Libra

Libra’s ongoing organizational snags and run-ins with regulators continue into December, as EU finance ministers agreed Thursday that Libra cannot be launched in the EU until concerns are adequately addressed. The finance ministers issued a joint statement citing regulatory “challenges...

EU Confirms its Firm Stance on All Stablecoins, Not Facebook's Libra Only

The EU has taken a firm stance on stablecoins. But a senior government official in Lithuania says the move will not stop stablecoin operators from proceeding with their plans as the EU is not against innovations and simplified payments. Today, the Council and the commission adopted a joint...

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