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Add Background Colors to SVGs Using the “rect” Element

The advantages of using SVGs in web development are well known. SVGs are small in size, can be made quite accessible, are scalable while maintaining their quality, and can be animated. Still, there is a learning curve. Things, like the syntax of SVG, can be a little tricky and having to hand-alter...

Footnote Characters

They are special superset numbers that are sometimes perfect for footnotes. Here they are: ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ I generally prefer to superscript the number myself, like: <pThis next word<sup1</suphas a footnote.</p You'd probably add an anchor link around that as well to link to an...

Do This to Improve Image Loading on Your Website

Jen Simmons explains how to improve image loading by simply using width and height attributes. The issue is that there’s a lot of jank when an image is first loaded because an img will naturally have a height of 0 before the image asset has been successfully downloaded by the browser. Then it needs...


Monica Dinculescu: I don’t want every possible padding and margin and colour and flexbox configuration in the world. I just want the ones that I know I end up using in every project. So here is monica.css: my very own CSS framework, which I copy paste at the beginning of every CSS file and take...

Solving Sticky Hover States with @media (hover: hover)

Mezo Istvan does a good job of covering the problem and a solution to it in a blog post on Medium¹. If you tap on something that has a :hover state but you don't leave the page then, on a mobile device, there is a chance that :hover state "sticks." You'll see this with stuff like jump-links used...

Web Component for a Code Block

We'll get to that, but first, a long-winded introduction. I'm still not in a confident place knowing a good time to use native web components. The templating isn't particularly robust, so that doesn't draw me in. There is no state management, and I like having standard ways of handling that. If...

Moving from Vanilla JavaScript to a Reusable Vue Component

I recently wrote an article explaining how you can create a countdown timer using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Now, let’s look at how we can make that a reusable component by porting it into Vue using basic features that the framework provides. Why do this...

Lazy Object Initialization

The Firefox DevTools underlying code, which is written with JavaScript and HTML, is a complex application. Due to the complexity and amount of work going on, the DevTools team has done everything they can to load as little as possible. Furthermore the team has a system of lazily importing...

Listen to your web pages

A clever idea from Tom Hicks combining MutationObserver (which can "observe" changes to elements like when their attributes, text, or children change) and the Web Audio API for creating sounds. Plop this code into the console on a page where you'd like to listen to essentially any DOM change...

Creating a Details Element That Opens But Never Closes

The <details> and <summary> elements in HTML are useful for making content toggles for bits of text. By default, you see the <summary> element with a toggle triangle (▶︎) next to it. Click that to expand the rest of the text inside the <details> element. But...

While You Weren’t Looking, CSS Gradients Got Better

One thing that caught my eye on the list of features for Lea Verou's conic-gradient() polyfill was the last item: Supports double position syntax (two positions for the same color stop, as a shortcut for two consecutive color stops with the same color) Surprisingly, I recently discovered most...

Why JavaScript is Eating HTML

Web development is always changing. One trend in particular has become very popular lately, and it fundamentally goes against the conventional wisdom about how a web page should be made. It is exciting for some but frustrating for others, and the reasons for both are difficult to explain. A...

The Unseen Performance Costs of Modern CSS-in-JS Libraries

This article is full of a bunch of data from Aggelos Arvanitakis. But lemme just focus on his final bit of advice: Investigate whether a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library can work for your project. Sometimes we tend to prefer writing CSS in JS for the DX (developer experience) it offers, without...

Toward Responsive Elements

Hot news from Brian Kardell, regarding what we've been referring to as "container queries", the most hotly requested feature in CSS: There does seem to be some general agreement on at least one part of what I am going to call instead "Responsive Design for Components" and that is that flipping...

The Hooks of React Router

React Router 5 embraces the power of hooks and has introduced four different hooks to help with routing. You will find this article useful if you are looking for a quick primer on the new patterns of React Router. But before we look at hooks, we will start off with a new route rendering...

Override window.alert

For years the only bit of feedback web developers could get was via alert("{str}") calls. These days we have the web console but, in rare cases, we don’t have a console and alert calls are our only window into a value at a given time. One problem: if an alert sneaks into production code, your...

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