
Nalezeno "way": 1702

Web Frameworks: Why You Don’t Always Need Them

Richard MacManus explaining Daniel Kehoe’s approach to building websites: There are three key web technologies underpinning Kehoe’s approach: ES6 Modules: JavaScript ES6 can support import modules, which are also supported by browsers. Module CDNs: JavaScript modules can now … The...

A Super Flexible CSS Carousel, Enhanced With JavaScript Navigation

Not sure about you, but I often wonder how to build a carousel component in such a way that you can easily dump a bunch of items into the component and get a nice working carousel — one that allows … The post A Super Flexible CSS Carousel, Enhanced With JavaScript Navigation appeared first...

ECOMI to List OMI Tokens With BitMax

PRESS RELEASE. (, an industry-leading digital asset trading platform built by Wall Street quant trading veterans, has announced the listing of OMI Tokens (OMI) under the trading pair of OMI/USDT on March 2nd at 9:00 a.m. EST. ECOMI is leading the way in the mass market digital...

What’s the Backup Plan for Your WordPress Site?

Of all the reasons we love and use Jetpack for CSS-Tricks—a poster child WordPress site—is that we can sleep easy at night knowing we have real-time backups running with Jetpack Backup. That way, no matter what, everything … The post What’s the Backup Plan for Your WordPress Site?...

WandaVision's TV Fakeness Gave Way to a Moment of True Love

One of the many, many things that’s made WandaVision so compelling to watch are the ways it has poked and prodded at the format of television to tell the story of Scarlet Witch and Vision’s unlikely love. But in an episode that was all about the fakeness of that metatext finally breaking down,...

Mistakes I’ve Made as an Engineering Manager

I’ve been a manager for many years at companies of different scale. Through these experiences, I’ve done my share of learning, and made some mistakes along that way that were important lessons for me. I want to share those with … The post Mistakes I’ve Made as an Engineering Manager...

Barebones CSS for Fluid Images

Zach takes a look at some fundamental HTML+CSS usage for fluid, responsive images. Most of it, I’d say, is what you’d expect, but things get weird when srcset gets involved. I poked my way through, and in addition to the … The post Barebones CSS for Fluid Images appeared first...

Using AbortController as an Alternative for Removing Event Listeners

The idea of an “abortable” fetch came to life in 2017 when AbortController was released. That gives us a way to bail on an API request initiated by fetch() — even multiple calls — whenever we want. Here’s a super … The post Using AbortController as an Alternative for Removing Event Listeners...

Kim Dotcom Publishes a Website That Highlights the Benefits of Bitcoin Cash

On February 12, the founder of the now-defunct file-sharing website Megaupload and cryptocurrency proponent, Kim Dotcom tweeted about a new website he created that shows the upside of bitcoin cash. The web portal highlights why people should join the digital money revolution...

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