Build a React To-Do App with React Hooks (No Class Components)
Yes, a to-do app, seems like something we’ve all done in the past. The great thing about a to-do app is that it covers all 4 aspects of CRUD; Create, Read, Update, Delete. As a developer, we need t
Skirting the Great Wall, Part Three: The Paradox of Cryptocurrencies in China
In the final installment of Cointelegraph’s history of crypto in China, we look at the official stance toward cryptocurrencies’ use, ownership, and legal status in the country
Skirting the Great Wall: The Chequered Saga of Crypto in China, 2018
Part two of Cointelegraph’s three-part series on the history of crypto regulations in China, as authorities in 2018 intensified their efforts to strike a fatal blow on the industry
Skirting the Great Wall: The Checkered Saga of Crypto in China, 2013-2017
“When China sneezes, Bitcoin catches a cold”: part I of a III-part series covering the history of crypto in China
Script & Style Show: Episode 23: Blogging, CodePenning, and Podcasting with Chris Coyier
In this episode: David kicks off by recounting a heroic (and tiring) sprint across the O’Hare airport to make his flight home from Toronto. CSS-Tricks scribe Chris Coyier joins Todd and David to discuss CSS-Tricks, CodePen, podcasting, and numerous walks down memory lane. This episode...
Build Your First Angular Website: Show a Single User Using Route Parameters
We now have our users section that lists our users. This works great, but now we have to show off a single user. The route to see a single user is defined by their username:
Build a state management system with vanilla JavaScript
Managing state is not a new thing in software, but it’s still relatively new for building software in JavaScript. Traditionally, we’d keep state within the DOM itself or even assign it to a global object in the window. Now though, we’re spoiled with choices for libraries and frameworks to help...
Finite State Machines with React
As JavaScript applications on the web have grown more complex, so too has the complexity of dealing with state in those applications — state being the aggregate of all the data that an application needs to perform its function. Over the last several years, there has been a ton of great...
Create your own Serverless API
If you don’t already know of it, Todd Motto has this great list of public APIs. It’s awesome if you’re trying out a new framework or new layout pattern and want to hit the ground running without fussing with the content.
But what if you want or need to make your own API? Serverless can help create...
Fast, Good, Local Site Search with Jetpack
If you have, say, 20 posts/pages on your WordPress site, the search functionality that is baked right into your self-hosted WordPress site will probably do a great job. Search is a pretty cool feature to ship with WordPress, truth be told. But as a site grows, you'll find limits. How it works...
Empower Through Web Development
As a person with a disability, I appreciate the web and modern-day computing for their many affordances. The web is a great place to work and share and connect. You can make a living, build your dream, and speak your mind.
It’s not easy, though. Beginners struggling with the box model often take...
Drawing Images with CSS Gradients
What I mean by "CSS images" is images that are created using only HTML elements and CSS. They look as if they were SVGs drawn in Adobe Illustrator but they were made right in the browser. Some techniques I’ve seen used are tinkering with border radii, box shadows, and sometimes clip-path. You...
Advanced Document Conversions with Filestack
You might know Filestack from being an incredible service to add file uploading, storage, and management to your own web apps.
There is another thing Filestack can do for you: convert documents into different formats.
For one thing, it can manipulate documents. Take images. Perhaps you would...
The Four Big Ways Jetpack Helps with Image Performance
We've been working with Jetpack around here as a sponsor. It's a great match because as someone with a bunch of self-hosted WordPress sites, Jetpack is one of those no-brainer plugins for me. Jetpack can do a ton of good things for any site in a variety of very different ways. Here's one way...
Building a RSS Viewer With Vue: Part 1
As I explore, learn, and most importantly, play with Vue.js, I've been building different types of apps as a way to get practice with and improve my use of it. A few weeks ago, I was reading about the shut down of Digg's RSS Reader and while great alternatives exist, I thought it would be fun...
Join Scotch's New Community Portal on
We've created a new Scotch community on Come on over and join us. We're just getting started and think this will be a great place to chat.
Combining the Powers of SEM and BIO for Improving CSS
CSS is easy, some might argue, but that "easiness" can cause messy code. This is especially true through power of preprocessors like Sass or Less where, if you aren’t careful, your CSS can become harder to deal with instead of easier. Sass? Harder? This Gist shows a great example of Sass nesting...
HSL() / HSLa() is great for programmatic color control
If you ever need to hand-manipulate a color in native CSS, HSL is pretty much the only way. HSL (the hsl() and hsla() functions in CSS) stands for hue, saturation, lightness, and optionally, alpha. We've talked about it before but we can break it down a little more and do some interesting things...
Dark theme in a day
Marcin Wichary has written a great piece that dives into how he used CSS Variables to create a night mode and high contrast theme in an app. There’s so many neat tricks about how to use CSS Variables (Chris has also looked at theming) as well as how to organize them (Andras Galante has...
Build Nodejs APIs Using Serverless
Simona Cotin did a great talk at Microsoft Build about Serverless technologies, called "Build Node APIs Using Serverless." In this talk, she addresses pretty much every major gotcha that you might run into while creating Serverless infrastructure for JavaScript applications. Some of the topics...