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Imagining native skip links

I love it when standards evolve from something that a bunch of developers are already doing, and making it easier and foolproof. Kitty Giraudel is onto that here with skip links, something that every website should probably have, and that … The post Imagining native skip links appeared first...

Image Fragmentation Effect With CSS Masks and Custom Properties

Geoff shared this idea of a checkerboard where the tiles disappear one-by-one to reveal an image. In it, an element has a background image, then a CSS Grid layout holds the “tiles” that go from a filled background color to … The post Image Fragmentation Effect With CSS Masks and Custom...

It’s always the stacking context.

In “What the heck, z-index??,” Josh Comeau makes the analogy of layer groups in design software like Photoshop or Figma to stacking contexts in CSS. If you’ve got an element in a layer group A in Photoshop that … The post It’s always the stacking context. appeared...

An Event Apart Spring Summit 2021

Hey, look at that, An Event Apart is back with a new event taking place online from April 19-21. That’s three jam-packed days of absolute gems from a stellar lineup of speakers! Guess what? I’m going to be there, … The post An Event Apart Spring Summit 2021 appeared first...

Taming Blend Modes: `difference` and `exclusion`

Up until 2020, blend modes were a feature I hadn’t used much because I rarely ever had any idea what result they could produce without giving them a try first. And taking the “try it and see what happens” approach … The post Taming Blend Modes: `difference` and `exclusion`...

Time for Next-Gen Codecs to Dethrone JPEG

AVIF has been getting a lot of tech press, but Jon Sneyers is hot on JPEG XL (which makes sense as he’s the “chair of the JPEG XL ad hoc group in the JPEG Committee”). According to Jon’s comparison, JPEG … The post Time for Next-Gen Codecs to Dethrone JPEG appeared...

The Mobile Performance Inequality Gap

Alex Russell made some interesting notes about performance and how it impacts folks on mobile: […] CPUs are not improving fast enough to cope with frontend engineers’ rosy resource assumptions. If there is unambiguously good news on the tooling front, … The post The Mobile...

axe DevTools Pro

I’m going to try to show you some things I think are useful and important about axe™ DevTools and use as few words as possible. axe DevTools includes a browser extension which you need no special expertise to use. You … The post axe DevTools Pro appeared first...

In Praise of the Unambiguous Click Menu

I still remember my excitement when I learned how to build a hover-triggered submenu with just CSS. (It was probably after reading this 2003 article from A List Apart.) At the time, it was a true CSS trick. Seriously. … The post In Praise of the Unambiguous Click Menu appeared first...

Did You Know About the :has CSS Selector?

File this under stuff you don’t need to know just yet, but I think the :has CSS selector is going to have a big impact on how we write CSS in the future. In fact, if it ever ships in … The post Did You Know About the :has CSS Selector? appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

Handling User Permissions in JavaScript

So, you have been working on this new and fancy web application. Be it a recipe app, a document manager, or even your private cloud, you‘ve now reached the point of working with users and permissions. Take the document manager … The post Handling User Permissions in JavaScript appeared first...

Long Hover

I had a very embarrassing CSS moment the other day. I was working on the front-end code of a design that had a narrow sidebar of icons. There isn’t enough room there to show text of what the icons are, … The post Long Hover appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks...

Better Line Breaks for Long URLs

CSS-Tricks has covered how to break text that overflows its container before, but not much as much as you might think. Back in 2012, Chris penned “Handling Long Words and URLs (Forcing Breaks, Hyphenation, Ellipsis, etc)” and it is still … The post Better Line Breaks for Long URLs appeared...

The Gang Goes on JS Danger

The JS Party podcast sometimes hosts game shows. One of them is Jeopardy-esque, called JS Danger, and some of us here from CSS-Tricks got to be the guests this past week! The YouTube video of it kicks off at about … The post The Gang Goes on JS Danger appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You...

Creating Patterns With SVG Filters

For years, my pain has been not being able to create a somewhat natural-looking pattern in CSS. I mean, sometimes all I need is a wood texture. The only production-friendly solution I knew of was to use an external image, … The post Creating Patterns With SVG Filters appeared first...

How to Use Tailwind on a Svelte Site

Let’s spin up a basic Svelte site and integrate Tailwind into it for styling. One advantage of working with Tailwind is that there isn’t any context switching going back and forth between HTML and CSS, since you’re applying styles as … The post How to Use Tailwind on a Svelte Site appeared...

Table of Contents with IntersectionObserver

If you have a table of contents on a long-scrolling page, thanks to, say, position: fixed; or position: sticky;, the IntersectionObserver API in JavaScript is the perfect companion to highlight items in the table of contents when corresponding content … The post Table of Contents with...

Chapter 7: Standards

It was the year 1994 that the web came out of the shadow of academia and onto the everyone’s screens. In particular, it was the second half of the second week of December 1994 that capped off the year with … The post Chapter 7: Standards appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support...

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