Internet Computer Issues ‘Liquid Bitcoin,’ for Faster and Affordable BTC Transactions
ckBTC brings layer-2 capabilities to Bitcoin, providing faster and cheaper transactions on the Internet Computer while also ensuring greater security and decentralization than other BTC-pegged tokens
Nárok na bezplatný přístup ke knihám neexistuje. Soud v kauze Internet Archive rozhodl ve prospěch nakladatelů
V pátek 24. března proběhlo první kolo soudních sporů mezi knižními nakladateli a internetovou službou Internet Archive. Soudce John Koeltl v jeho závěru rozhodl, že projekt Open Library, který spolupracuje s knihovnami na skenování tištěných knih z jejich sbírek a nabízí je v elektronické podobě,
The Internet Reacts To Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Exciting New Crafting
Nintendo pulled back the curtain on The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’s gameplay on Tuesday to reveal a ton of new ways Link can craft stuff. Mushroom shields. Helicopter rafts. Big, huge sticks. The hero of time is handier than ever and fans are loving it.Read more
Netflix Star Wants To Name Kids After Elden Ring Bosses, And The Internet Approves
Love makes you do crazy things. When you feel connected to another person, you feel compelled to go to the ends of the Earth for them. Maybe you’ll take a bullet for your significant other. Maybe you’ll do their taxes and handle their dirty laundry (figuratively and literally). Or maybe, as in...
ChatGPT can now access the internet with new OpenAI plugins
OpenAI said it is initially rolling out the plugins to a small set of users to "study their real-world use and impact," before expanding to larger-scale access
Rapid Bank Runs Reveal Deposits Are Now Magic Internet Money, Too
Twitch Says It’s The Best Place For Creators Right After A Series Of Disasters
Twitch is shedding employees and talent. Conversations about the platform are mired in scandals about deepfake porn and gambling. It’s the perfect time, in other words, for the Amazon-owned streaming platform to go on the offensive and pretend things have never been better.Read more
Existuje nárok na bezplatný přístup ke knihám? Americký soud řeší žalobu na Internet Archive
Osud neziskové online knihovny Internet Archive je v rukách soudce poté, co na něj podali žalobu čtyři významní knižní vydavatelé kvůli porušování autorských práv. Soudce John Koeltl v pondělí vyslechl argumenty žalující strany, které se nelíbí, že web nabízí naskenované knihy bez souhlasu
Twitch Bans Popular Streamer’s Cute Emote For ‘Inciting Abuse’
Fortnite Twitch streamer and hugely popular gaming TikToker Chica seemed to get some surprising news yesterday—Twitch removed one of her emotes, a cartoon chick with big, wet eyes and its tongue sticking out, for “inciting abuse.”Read more
'Alternative Internet' Builder Tomi Raises $40M to Attract Content Creators
Tomi's aim is to "kick off a clean slate for the internet," using its DAO governance model to promote freedom of speech and access to uncensored information
Anonymous DAO tomi raises $40M for 'surveillance-free' internet
The anonymous group of crypto developers is promoting the use of a decentralized autonomous organization to govern an alternative version of the internet
‘Self-Custody Should Mean the Ownership of Everything About You’ Says Sharering’s Tim Bos
According to Sharering, a blockchain-based platform enabling the creation and use of “self-sovereign” verifiable credentials, millions of potential world wide web users are still disconnected from the internet because they lack required or verifiable identities, among other things....
The Internet Once Again Loses It Over Dudes Playing With Water
TikTok isn’t just an algorithmic time waster for discovering viral dances and new memes. It’s also full of new niche genres like grindset grifting, chefs doing cooking commentary, and ASMR deep cleaning. Oh, and challenge-based trends like dudes playing with cups of water.Read more
FBI Says Crypto Investment Fraud Rose 183% to $2.57 Billion in 2022
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says cryptocurrency investment fraud rose 183% from $907 million in 2021 to $2.57 billion in 2022, based on data from its Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). The FBI also warned the public of “a spike in cryptocurrency investment schemes.”...
Amazon ukázal antény pro svůj satelitní internet, první družice plánuje vypustit do půlky roku
Amazon to s poskytováním satelitního připojení myslí skutečně vážně. První zákazníci by se k jeho družicím měli připojit začátkem roku 2024, oznámila americká firma
9 Of The Internet's Burning Resident Evil 4 Remake Questions, Answered
We are less than two weeks away from playing Capcom’s glorious repaint of its iconic third-person shooter, Resident Evil 4, originally released in 2005. Though breathless questions on sites like Reddit, Quora, and Twitter suggest the remake is still operating from the mysterious shadows, there’s...
11 classic memes that have been sold as NFTs
Iconic memes as NFTs: Own a piece of internet history with Nyan Cat, Stonks and more
Jste záškodník? Rusko si vás najde. Novými nástroji Okulus a Vepr bude analyzovat internet
Ve druhé půlce letošního roku plánuje Rusko spustit systém na odhalování hrozeb na internetu. Tak zní aspoň oficiální premisa dle ruské státní zpravodajské agentury Tass. Systém se nazývá Vepr, tedy Webwatch. Aktuálně dle agentury probíhá interní testování prvních dílčích modulů sledovacího
Fraudsters Offer Russians Bogus Chance to Invest in Fake ‘State Cryptocurrency’
Internet users in Russia have been targeted in an email campaign advertising the launch of an alleged cryptocurrency issued by the state. Potential victims are encouraged to follow a link to the website of the fraudulent investment scheme, security experts said. Thousands of Investment Offers...
This 2D Titanfall-Like On Steam Is Already Wowing The Internet
If you’ve been eagerly awaiting a new Titanfall game…well, I don’t bring any news of that (but know that I’m as sad as you are). What I am here to tell you about, however, is this neat little side-scrolling, mech-based indie game that just hit Steam. It looks like it takes inspiration from more...