China’s BTC Ban Doubles-Down with WeChat Terminating Accounts Dealing with Crypto Trading
China’s ban on BTC is not new. The country has been doing so over the past two years now since the infamous incident of local ICO (initial coin offerings) and crypto exchange happened. Since then, the citizens of the country are allowed to hold the crypto but are restricted from trading it. This...
Facebook Onboards Two Former Coinbase Compliance Experts
Two former compliance experts from crypto exchange Coinbase have joined Facebook
Creating A Social Follow Component in React
On almost every website, you're going to watch to share your Social Media accounts for visitors to follow. In this article, we are going to create a Social Follow component in React!
[aktualita] Druhý ročník Social media Akademie bude od března učit, jak na sociální média ve frimě
Vytváření a správa reklamních kampaní, práce s Google Analytics, bezpečnost na sociálních sítích, influencer marketing, digitální storytelling nebo marketing na YouTube. To jsou některá témata, na která se zaměří druhý ročník Social Media Akademie. Jde o třináctidenní kurz zaměřený na marketing...