Market Wrap: Crypto Assets Rise Following Soft Home Sales in July
EUR Drops Below USD for the Second Time in 20 Years, Greenback’s Strength Leads to Largest Weekly Rise Since March 2020
The U.S. dollar has been very strong compared to a myriad of fiat currencies worldwide and this week, the euro dropped below the USD for the second time in 20 years after meeting parity with the dollar in mid-July. The dollar’s recent brawniness has resulted in the largest weekly rise since...
Bitcoin Miners Take in Bear Rally Profits by Selling More Than 6,000 BTC Since August 1
Bitcoin’s value against the U.S. dollar lost 7.3% during the last 24 hours after more than $600 million in value was removed from the $1.07 trillion crypto economy. Statistics show that a number of bitcoin miners capitulated over the last two weeks, selling 5,925 bitcoin worth millions...
Bitcoin’s Mining Difficulty Rises for the Second Time in a Row — It’s Now 0.63% Harder to Find a BTC Block
On August 18, 2022, Bitcoin’s mining difficulty increased again after the 1.74% rise two weeks ago on August 4. At block height 749,952 at 7:07 a.m. (EST) the network’s mining difficulty rose by 0.63% from 28.17 trillion to 28.35 trillion Thursday morning. Bitcoin Network Records...
First Mover Asia: Celsius Token Price Rise Pegged to Market Dynamics Rather Than Fundamentals; BTC Retreats Again
The price of the troubled crypto lending platform's CEL has been rising, to observers' puzzlement
Crypto Hacking, Theft Rise This Year While Scams, Darknet Markets Retreat - Chainalysis
Some forms of cryptocurrency-based crime, including hacking and theft of funds, have so far increased in occurrence this year, but others, related to scams and darknet markets, have declined more than the market overall, according to a recent report by blockchain analysis company...
First Mover Asia: Crypto Can’t Shake the Correlation Narrative; BTC, ETH Sink but Meme Coins Rise
Most Popular Dog Coins Rise for 4 Consecutive Weeks, as Major Shiba Inu Development Nears
Meme coins like shiba inu (SHIB) and dogecoin (DOGE) are on the rise in the market, with SHIB, in particular, standing out as the third-best performer among the top 100 cryptoassets by market capitalization over the past week.
At press time (09:25 UTC) on Monday, SHIB traded at USD 0.001569,...
Kroisův nezvratný osud: Pověrčivost lýdského vládce vedla ke konci jeho říše
„Vytáhneš-li do boje proti Peršanům, zničíš velkou říši,“ předpověděla delfská věštkyně lýdskému králi Kroisovi. Že by mohlo jít o říši jeho vlastní si monarcha ani na chvíli nepřipustil, a tak roku 547 př. n. l. bez váhání vytáhl proti Persii
July’s CPI Report Shows US Inflation Cooling — Critics Say ‘US Government’s Formula Understates the Actual Rise in Prices’
After last June’s inflation report published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) reflected a 9.1% year-over-year increase, July’s CPI data has come in lower with a year-over-year increase of 8.5%. Economists polled by media publications...
Biggest Movers: FLOW Moves to Highest Point Since May, DOT Fast Approaching $10 Level
Flow was in the green to start the week, as the token climbed to its highest point since May. The surge has seen prices rise by as much as 15% on Monday, as recent gains were extended. Polkadot was also higher, as it too cemented multi-month highs. FLOW FLOW was one of Monday’s most notable...
As Interest Rates Rise, a Silent Vampire Attack on Crypto
FTX, ByBit rise in web traffic despite overall traffic drop on CEXs
Web traffic on FTX surged 123% YoY, while major exchanges like Coinbase and Binance were down 46% and 40% traffic-wise, respectively
Zrod mocné říše Inků: Příběh muže, který udělal z neznámého kmene velmoc
Devátý inka Yupanqui položil základy největšího předkolumbovského impéria na Zemi. Za jeho úspěchem stála nejen krvežíznivost, ale také řada chytrých vladařských rozhodnutí a nadčasových opatření
Na hostině s králem: Kondor královský a jeho říše
Jihoameričtí kondoři nesou něco z nespravedlivé pověsti supů – spojujeme si je se závanem smrti, s mouchami posetým tlejícím masem a zápachem. Kondoři královští v sobě ovšem mají něco tak majestátního, že vypadají vznešeně i při hodech na mršině obrovského kajmana černého
Bitcoin’s Mining Difficulty Rises for the First Time in 57 Days, BTC Hashrate Slipped 1.7% Lower in Q2
The mining difficulty tied to the Bitcoin network increased for the first time in 57 days, rising 1.74% higher than the last two weeks. Meanwhile, Bitcoin’s hashrate has been below average as the network’s computational power is down 1.7% lower in the second quarter than in Q1 2022....
ENS Domain Registrations Skyrocketed Last Month, Total Names Created Nears 2 Million
The number of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains is nearing the two million mark as 1,888,209 ENS names have been etched into the Ethereum blockchain to date. The project recently detailed that July saw the largest monthly rise in revenue scoring 5,400 ether worth roughly $2.48 million during...
The rise of fake cryptocurrency apps and how to avoid them
Scammers are using fake crypto apps to steal funds from investors. Some malicious apps find their way into official app stores
Croatian retail giant sees rise in crypto payments despite the bear market
Croatia has been enjoying the growing cryptocurrency adoption despite the ongoing crypto winter, Konzum's director of business applications Ines Barbir said
Why Is Alchemy Pay (ACH) On The Rise?
PRESS RELEASE. July has seen a jump in crypto prices, and none more so than the utility token of Alchemy Pay, ACH. ACH saw a 43% increase in just 24 hours on July 20th, making it crypto’s biggest gainer. ACH has also broken into the TOP 10 most searched tokens on almost every crypto site...