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Weekly Platform News: Feature Policy, Signed Exchanges, iOS browsers

👋 Hey folks! This is the first edition of a new weekly update we'll be posting that covers timely news at the intersection of development standards and the tools that make them available on the web. We often talk about the pace of change in our industry. It's fast and touches everything...

How to Generate QR Codes for Crypto Payments

Businesses and projects in the crypto space have an incentive to facilitate cryptocurrency payments for their customers and users. With QR codes, acquiring a recipient’s address is easy – all it takes is a quick scan with a smartphone. A platform called Cwaqrgen provides a tool...

New Stage of the Binance Hack Drama - Appologies for 'Dirty' Words

First, the Binance hack happened, then, the idea of rolling back Bitcoin transactions prompted heated debates, and now, when everyone has cooled down, apologies have started to come in. “Given how much I talk, I sometimes say the wrong stuff, dirty words like “reorg”, for which I apologize”, said...

US Congressman Wants to Outlaw Crypto, Cryptoverse Fires Back

Brad Sherman. Source: Twitter/@BradSherman US Congress Representative Brad Sherman once again making waves in the crypto world - he called for a bill yesterday which would “outlaw cryptocurrency purchases by Americans so that we nip this in the bud.” In a just 1:11-minute-long clip circulating...

Deepdotweb Duo Indicted for Linking to Darknet Markets

Federal indictments unsealed on May 8 have revealed further details of the case against Deepdotweb’s operators. Tal Prihar, 37, an Israeli citizen residing in Brazil, and Michael Phan, 34, an Israeli in Tel Aviv, have technically been charged with money laundering. The feds have made it very...

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