The anatomy of a 'crazy multiplier' post-launch game success
It was the streamers wot did it (again), guv
Plus: Two weeks of Steam madness in one!
We're zooming ahead to analyze the big wins and losses
How Spelunky got its procedural 'hook' & actually got finished
We hear it straight from the source
Your game's on sale too often? Players say that's unlikely!
Dispelling a myth I'm interested in poking at
Collecting Email Signups With the Notion API
A lot of people these days are setting up their own newsletters. You’ve got the current big names like Substack and MailChimp, companies like Twitter are getting into it with Revue, and even Facebook is getting into the …
The post Collecting Email Signups With the Notion API appeared first...
Plus: a whole New World on Steam?
A new fantastic point of view for Amazon
Steam: the state of 'long tail' revenue in 2021!
The first results from our 2021 Steam dev survey
What players wish Nintendo would fix for Switch discovery
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert & GameDiscoverCo founder Simon Carless, and is a regular look at how people discover and buy video games in the 2020s.] It’s a brand new week in the neighborhood, game discovery fam....
Plus: Why such big Steam Hype winners this week?
We look at the varying fortunes of this week's launches
VR game discovery, Reddit, trailers & more
Is the market finally improving for VR? And lots more
Epic vs. Apple - what does the verdict REALLY mean?
There are, uhh, quite a few opinions on this
Plus: what are the most awaited Metroidvanias?
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert Simon Carless. This newsletter is exclusive to GameDiscoverCo Plus subscribers, and rounds up a plethora of exclusive platform sales & other analysis.] Welcome, Plus subscribers, to your...
Why auditing your Steam keys is a great idea!
A further dive into the third-party Steam key ecosystem
'It's OK' - the meh-ening of indie console game sales
Welcome... to the world of tomorrow
Building Your Own Subscription Newsletter
(This is a sponsored post.)
I did a sponsored video the other week explaining how to build a paid subscription newsletter using WordPress (we did it on but it could be hosted anywhere), MailPoet (a plugin to visually …
The post Building Your Own Subscription Newsletter appeared...
Plus: Arise, Life is Strange, and get Webbed
Analyzing the big Steam titles of the next few days - and so much more
Steam refund worries, Kickstarter trends & more!
What's to worry about?
Is your streamer game discovery strategy 'on point'?
Some tips, plus Steam refund thoughts & much more
Plus: We're having a Total War with Pathfinder?
And lots more charting goodness for you all
Call for data: help us measure Steam success!
We'd like some information, please