
Nalezeno "0G foundation": 1543

‘Ethereum: The Infinite Garden’ Documentary Project Raises 1,036 Ether

A documentary project called “Ethereum: The Infinite Garden” has raised 1,036 ether to complete its fundraising proposal. The project will use these funds to finance the first feature-length Ethereum documentary, that will cast members from the community and key individuals from...

Summer Games Done Quick 2021 Starts Today, Here’s How To Watch

Like last year, the in-person part of this 2021's Summer Games Done Quick was canceled due to the continuing covid-19 pandemic. However, there are still a ton of games being played really, really fast online, all week long. And all of it for a good cause! Read more

Okay, Hear Me Out: No Man's Sky Banana

No Man’s Sky was a mess of broken promises and shattered dreams when it launched. Now it’s a playground for the imagination, with players forging cities, in-game companies, and all manner of epic bases. But none of that compares to this giant banana.Read more

1inch Foundation upgrades governance framework

The 1inch Network’s governance framework will have many of the hallmarks of Ethereum-based projects in a move that prioritizes user experience and broader network participation

Collective #666

The State of Independence Report 2021 * snk * Storage Foundation API * Implementing Private Fields for JavaScript The post Collective #666 appeared first on Codrops

EarthBound Secrets Discovered On Ancient Floppy Disk

In 2018, Marcus Lindblom, a former Nintendo of America employee best known for localizing EarthBound, discovered the floppy disk containing his personal files from that massive project in an old box. He had, at some point, wiped the disk to make room for more data, but thanks to the folks at...

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