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Recenze knihy Vzhůru do (responzivního) webdesignu

Pokud budete hledat knihu o implementaci a návrhu webů, zjistíte, že nemáte pomalu z čeho vybírat. Podobných publikací je jako šafránu. Není se čemu divit. Věci spjaté s tvorbou moderních webů se rychle mění. Psát knihu o tématech, které mohou být za dva roky zastaralé, není snadné. Toto léto však...

Let's Encrypt Everything

I'll admit I was late to the HTTPS party. But post Snowden, and particularly after the result of the last election here in the US, it's clear that everything on the web should be encrypted by default. Why? You have an unalienable right to privacy, both in the real world

Here's The Programming Game You Never Asked For

You know what's universally regarded as un-fun by most programmers? Writing assembly language code. As Steve McConnell said back in 1994: Programmers working with high-level languages achieve better productivity and quality than those working with lower-level languages. Languages such as...

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