
Nalezeno "21/21 Plan": 1473

What’s the Backup Plan for Your WordPress Site?

Of all the reasons we love and use Jetpack for CSS-Tricks—a poster child WordPress site—is that we can sleep easy at night knowing we have real-time backups running with Jetpack Backup. That way, no matter what, everything … The post What’s the Backup Plan for Your WordPress Site?...

Microsoft CEO Claims No Plan To Follow In Tesla’s Bitcoin-buying Footsteps

Software giant Microsoft has no imminent plans to invest its corporate assets in bitcoin (BTC) despite the recent surge in similar investments, according to Brad Smith, the company’s president. “I haven’t heard any new conversation about bitcoin, but let me just say: if we change our investment...

WordPress 5.7: Big ol’ jQuery Update

WordPress core is making the jump from jQuery 1.12.4 to jQuery 3.5.1! This is a big deal for lots of reasons — like modern features, better DX, and security improvements to name a few. Right now, the plan is to … The post WordPress 5.7: Big ol’ jQuery Update appeared first...

IBM ukázalo plán pro kvantové počítače. Budou tu ještě v tomto desetiletí

IBM patří k těm několika málo průkopníkům kvantové výpočetní technologie, kteří ji chtějí co nejdříve komercializovat. Společnost loni na podzim představila svůj hardwarový cestovní plán pro toto desetiletí, na jehož konci by už mělo být IBM schopné vyrobit systém s milionem a více qubity. Brzy

Bitcoin ATM Boom, OKEx's Lightning, India's Blockchain Plan + More News

Get your daily, bite-sized digest of cryptoasset and blockchain-related news – investigating the stories flying under the radar of today’s crypto news. Crypto adoption news CoinFlip, a major US-based Bitcoin ATM operator, said it grew its network from 441 ATMs in January 2020 to over 1,400...

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