
Nalezeno "QR code": 1615

Link Underlines That Animate Into Block Backgrounds

It's a cool little effect. The default link style has an underline (which is a good idea) and then on :hover you see the underline essentially thicken up turning into almost what it would have looked liked if you used a background-color on the link instead. Here's an example of the effect on...

Table with Expando Rows

"Expando Rows" is a concept where multiple related rows in a <table> are collapsed until you open them. You'd call that "progressive disclosure" in interaction design parlance. After all these years on CSS-Tricks, I have a little better eye for what the accessibility concerns of...

Buddy on CSS-Tricks

Here's a little direct product endorsement for ya: I literally use Buddy for deployment on all my projects. Buddy isn't just a deployment tool, we'll get to that, but it's something that Buddy does very well and definitely a reason you might look at picking it up yourself if you're looking around...

Git Pathspecs and How to Use Them

When I was looking through the documentation of git commands, I noticed that many of them had an option for <pathspec>. I initially thought that this was just a technical way to say “path,” and assumed that it could only accept directories and filenames. After diving into the rabbit hole...

A Comparison of Static Form Providers

Let’s attempt to coin a term here: "Static Form Provider." You bring your HTML <form>, but don’t worry about the back-end processing that makes it work. There are a lot of these services out there! Static Form Providers do all tasks like validating, storing, sending notifications,...

A Color Picker for Product Images

Sounds kind of like a hard problem doesn't it? We often don't have product shots in thousands of colors, such that we can flip out the <img src="product-red.jpg" alt="red product"> with <img src="product-blue.jpg" alt="blue product">. Nor do we typically have products in a vector...

Overflow And Data Loss In CSS

"Data Loss" is a funny term. My brain thinks of like packet loss on the way from the server to your browser, resulting in missing content in files. Perhaps it is that on some level, but in CSS parlance, it has to do with the overflow property. Too much content for sized container + hidden overflow...

(Why) Some HTML is “optional”

Remy Sharp digs into the history of the web and describes why the <p> tag doesn’t need to be closed like this: <p>Paragraphs don’t need to be closed <p>Pretty weird, huh? Remy writes: Pre-DOM, pre-browsers, the world's first browser was being written by Sir...

Bitcoin QR Code Generators: Search Results Dominated by Scammers

Bitcoin or the cryptocurrency space, in general, has been through a lot over the past couple of years. Followed by an epic bull run in 2017, the price of Bitcoin has consistently slumped last year, which has somewhat rebounded in 2019, rising back above $10,000 per BTC. And now, more reasons...

As long as I can remember the main source for feature support in HTML email clients is Campaign Monitor's guide. Now there is a new player on the block: HTML email is often joked about in how you have to code for it in such an antiquated way (<table>s! really!) but that's...

Logical Operations with CSS Variables

Very often, while using switch variables (a variable that's either 0 or 1, a concept that's explained in a greater detail in in this post), I wish I could perform logical operations on them. We don't have functions like not(var(--i)) or and(var(--i), var(--k)) in CSS, but we can emulate these...

Some HTML is “Optional”

There is a variety of HTML that you can just leave out of the source HTML and it's still valid markup. Doesn't this look weird? <p>Paragraph one. <p>Paragraph two. <p>Paragraph three. It does to me, but the closing </p> tags are optional. The browser will detect...

Caniuse and MDN compatibility data collaboration

Second only to "silly GIFs," I'd guess screenshots of caniuse are the most common slide graphic at web conferences. It's become the ultimate source for looking at web compatibility data in the hearts and minds of web developers. Can I use CSS filter in Firefox? Yes. Can I use the filter() function?...

Plans to Build $50M Bitcoin Cash Tech Park Revealed

At the Bitcoin Cash City conference in North Queensland, the CEO of Code Valley, Noel Lovisa, announced plans to build a $50 million dollar Bitcoin Cash tech park in the city of Townsville. The plan is to aggregate startup companies and there are more than 12 Bitcoin Cash focused startups already...

How to Not Minify Source with webpack

The webpack JavaScript utility has taken over the modern JavaScript landscape, so much so that it’s hard to be a JavaScript developer and not use it. JavaScript build utilities are the point where they do best practices implicitly, like minify code, caching, and more. I was recently debugging...

How to Contribute to an Open Source Project

The following is going to get slightly opinionated and aims to guide someone on their journey into open source. As a prerequisite, you should have basic familiarity with the command line and Git. If you know the concepts and want to dive right into the step by step how-to guide, check out this part...

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