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Going Jamstack with React, Serverless, and Airtable

The best way to learn is to build. Let’s learn about this hot new buzzword, Jamstack, by building a site with React, Netlify (Serverless) Functions, and Airtable. One of the ingredients of Jamstack is static hosting, but that doesn’t mean everything on the site has to be static. In fact, we’re...

Why you should hire a front-end developer

Matt Hobbs says you should hire a front-end developer because… “A front-end developer is the best person to champion accessibility best practices in product teams.” “80-90% of the end-user response time is spent on the front end.” “A front-end developer takes pressure...

Bittrex Global Announces Listing of Sensorium (SENSO)

Los Angeles, California, August 25th, 2020 – The global cryptocurrency exchange Bittrex Global has announced the listing of SENSO token, the in-platform currency of Sensorium Galaxy, a social VR platform that rethinks the way people interact with each other and experience the arts. Developed...

Designing a JavaScript Plugin System

WordPress has plugins. jQuery has plugins. Gatsby, Eleventy, and Vue do, too. Plugins are a common feature of libraries and frameworks, and for a good reason: they allow developers to add functionality, in a safe, scalable way. This makes the core project more valuable, and it builds a community...

Increase Your Profit Potential With Margin Trading

Spot trading is a popular way for investors to access the crypto market in a straightforward manner. It’s mainly fiat-to-crypto trading, as well as crypto-to-crypto trading. It’s simple, you get a crypto wallet, you buy a token with fiat currencies, and then once the price...

BIS Report: CBDCs Are on the Way, But They Won’t Replace Cash

Soure: Adobe/syahrir The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has talked up central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) again, but insists that state-issued tokens would not make cash obsolete – and will instead work alongside fiat. These were the findings of a new paper entitled “Rise of...

Why the Rise of the CBDC Is Bad for Your Privacy

Like, hate, or fear them, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are on their way. There will be no stopping them. From Sweden to Thailand and China to Canada, governments the world over are experimenting with CBDCs. While most are being undertaken as pilots at this stage, China’s is all...

Optimize Images with a GitHub Action

I was playing with GitHub Actions the other day. Such a nice tool! Short story: you can have it run code for you, like run your build processes, tests, and deployments. But it’s just configuration files that can run whatever you need. There is a whole marketplace of Actions wanting to do work...

To grid or not to grid

Sarah Higley does accessibility work and finds that “tables and grids are over-represented in accessibility bugs.” The drum has been banged a million times: don’t use a <table> for layout. But what goes around comes around. What’s the the #1 item in a list...

Chapter 3: The Website

Previously in web history… Berners-Lee, motivated by his own curiosity, creates the World Wide Web at CERN. He releases its technologies to the public domain, which enables the development of several new browsers for every operating system. Mosaic proves to the most popular, and...

Match Emojis with Regular Expressions

When experimenting with unicode property escapes, to identify accented letters in strings, it reminded me of a question I had a few years ago: what is the best way to identify and then replace emojis in a string? I first noticed this practice when using emojis in Facebook — sometimes Facebook...

A Community-Driven Site with Eleventy: Preparing for Contributions

I’ve recently found myself reaching for Eleventy (aka 11ty) above all other tools when I want to develop a website. It’s hard to beat a static site generator that provides advanced templating opportunities while otherwise getting out of your way and allowing you to just create. One...

What Happens When Border Radii Overlap?

I’d wager that most times we’re rounding box corners in CSS, we’re applying a uniform border-radius value across the border. It’s a nice touch of polish in many designs. But there are times when we might want different radii for different corners. Easy, right? That way the property takes four...

Nailing the Perfect Contrast Between Light Text and a Background Image

Have you ever come across a site where light text is sitting on a light background image? If you have, you’ll know how difficult that is to read. A popular way to avoid that is to use a transparent overlay. But this leads to an important question: Just how transparent should that overlay...

Every Website is an Essay

Every website that’s made me oooo and aaahhh lately has been of a special kind; they’re written and designed like essays. There’s an argument, a playfulness in the way that they’re not so much selling me something as they are trying to convince me of the thing. They use words and type and color...

Blockchain-based Pay’s the Way for South Korean Highways

Blockchain-powered payments are coming to South Korea’s highways – with the nation’s motorway operator sealing a deal that will see it use blockchain technology to power toll payments across the country before the end of the year. Per D Daily, KEB Hana Bank, one of the nation’s biggest commercial...

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