
Nalezeno "user": 1340

Get Geographic Information from an IP Address for Free

Say you need to know what country someone visiting your website is from, because you have an internationalized site and display different things based on that country. You could ask the user. You might want to have that functionality anyway to make sure your visitors have control, but surely they...

Two Browsers Walked Into a Scrollbar

Surprise: scrollbars are complicated, especially cross-browser and cross-platform. Sometimes they take up space and sometimes they don't. Sometimes that is affected by a setting and sometimes it isn't. Sometimes you can see them and sometimes you can't unless you're actually scrolling. Styling...

Binance.US User Account Registration Begins on September 18th

Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange will start user account applications for its new US-based branch on Wednesday, September 18 at 08:00 according to Easter Time. The application processing for participating traders will be started early to facilitate the live launch of trading....

How to Create a Webcam Audio Visualizer with Three.js

A tutorial on how to create a Three.js powered audio visualizer that takes input from the user's webcam. How to Create a Webcam Audio Visualizer with Three.js was written by Ryota Takemoto and published on Codrops

5 Key Concepts from Day One at Bitcoin Cash City

With day one of North Queensland’s Bitcoin Cash City all wrapped up, conference attendees were left with an overflow of big ideas to distill, process, and potentially integrate. These include underwriting merchant adoption, building tech parks and mining operations, BIP70 applications...

Multiline truncated text with “show more” button

Now that we've got cross-browser support for the line-clamp property, I expect we'll see a lot more of that around the web. And as we start to see it more in use, it’s worth the reminder that: Truncation is not a content strategy. We should at least offer a way to read that that truncated content...

Need to scroll to the top of the page?

Perhaps the easiest way to offer that to the user is a link that targets an ID on the <html> element. So like... <html id="top"> <body> <!-- the entire document --> <a href="#top">Jump to top of page</a> ...

Reusable Popovers to Add a Little Pop

A popover is a transient view that shows up on top of a content on the screen when a user clicks on a control button or within a defined area. For example, clicking on an info icon on a specific list item to get the item details. Typically, a popover includes an arrow pointing to the location from...

Navbar Nudging on @keyframers

I got to be the featured guest over on The Keyframers the other day. We looked at a Dribbble shot by Björgvin Pétur Sigurjónsson and then slowly built it, taking some purposeful detours along the way to discuss various tech. We start by considering doing it entirely in CSS, then go for some light...

Lazy load embedded YouTube videos

This is a very clever idea via Arthur Corenzan. Rather than use the default YouTube embed, which adds a crapload of resources to a page whether the user plays the video or not, use the little tiny placeholder webpage that is just an image you can click that is linked to the YouTube embed. It still...

Using Immer for React State Management

We make use of state to keep track of application data. States change as users interact with an application. When this happens, we need to update the state that is displayed to the user, and we do this using React’s setState. Since states are not meant to be updated directly (because React’s state...

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