
Nalezeno "AWS": 117

Governance Service and Data Privacy Firm BlueTalon Acquired by Microsoft

In this day and age, data privacy is one of the most important pillars of any tech business. Considering the sort of data breaches that have happened throughout the past few years, it is only natural that tech giant Microsoft is doing everything in its power to further enhances its data privacy...

V Ostravě se chystá DevOps Summit

Ostrava bude 3. října hostovat DevOps Summit. Experti z Amazonu, Kiwi, Tieto a dalších firem vám nasdílejí svá know-how a reálné případové studie z oblasti DevOps. Dozvíte se novinky, uslyšíte o AWS infrastruktuře,…

Getting into GraphQL with AWS AppSync

GraphQL is becoming increasingly popular. The problem is that if you are a front-end developer, you are only half of the way there. GraphQL is not just a client technology. The server also has to be implemented according to the specification. This means that in order to implement GraphQL into your...

GraphQL API with AWS and Use with React

GraphQL has become a go-to API implementation for developers looking to take advantage of features liketype safety, network efficiency, real-time data with subscriptions & more. Building

Forms, Auth and Serverless Functions on Gatsby and Netlify

Abstracting infrastructure is in our DNA. Roads, schools, water supply networks—you get the idea. Web development is no exception: serverless architectures are a beautiful expression of that phenomenon. Static sites, in particular, are turning into dynamic, rich experiences. Handling static...

Tento web používá k poskytování služeb a analýze návštěvnosti soubory cookie. Používáním tohoto webu s tímto souhlasíte. Další informace