
Nalezeno "Copyright": 187

Craig Wright Wins Bitcoin White Paper Copyright Case on Technicality

Craig Wright. Craig Wright, the Australian computer scientist who fails to back his claims that he's the Bitcoin (BTC) creator Satoshi Nakamoto, has won a legal battle with Cobra, the operator of the website. The former won on a technicality, as Cobra refused to testify under his real...

The Twitch DMCAs Just Keep Coming

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: The music industry is taking aim at Twitch, this time to the tune of “about 1,000 individual claims,” according to the company. Twitch’s solution? Second verse, same as the first: Delete, delete, delete.Read more

Lone Developer Stands Up To Grand Theft Auto DMCA Claim, Wins

Earlier this year fans reversed engineered the source code to Grand Theft Auto III and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. They released it to the web, but Grand Theft Auto copyright holder Take-Two pulled it offline via a DMCA claim. But now one fan’s stood up to the publisher and succeeded in getting...

NFTs Come to Live in Uquid Shop as NFTD

PRESS RELEASE. Uquid Shop, the largest digital asset eCommerce platform is ready to buy and sell digital art, Social & Digital Content, Copyright Products, and Digitals Products involving non-fungible tokens(NFT). Uquid non-fungible tokens are known as NFTD. Scheduled to take place in 2021...

How to Score Free Screeners Before New Movies Come Out

Your average cinephile might itch with anticipation before a new blockbuster release, but unless you’ve got a legitimate critic’s platform, you’ve got slim chances of receiving that coveted screener. Luckily, it’s probably easier than ever to become something of a movie critic, provided you’ve...

Take-Two Goes After Reverse-Engineered Grand Theft Auto Code

Last week we shared the good news that the source code for Grand Theft Autos III & Vice City had been reverse-engineered, allowing folks to port the games and come up with cool new mods. Now, we bring you the predictable news that publisher Take-Two Interactive are not happy.Read more

The Japanese Government Could Change Cosplay Forever

Currently, anyone in Japan is free to dress as their favorite characters. That will continue, most likely, but there might be big changes for those who make money from cosplaying—and possibly, even for those who don’t.Read more

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