
Nalezeno "Firefox": 249

Innovating on Web Monetization: Coil and Firefox Reality

I still think Coil is cool. I have it installed on CSS-Tricks as a publisher and money trickles in. I have a paid account and I trickle out money to other sites that use it. I wrote about all that last year. This’ll explode to something huge if we actually get the Web Monetization API stuff....

Can JavaScript Detect the Browser’s Zoom Level?

No, not really. My first guess was that this was intentionally not exposed in browsers because browsers intentionally don’t want us fighting it — or making well-intentioned but bad-outcome decisions based on that info. But I don’t see any evidence of that. StackOverflow answers paint...

Styling in the Shadow DOM With CSS Shadow Parts 

Safari 13.1 just shipped support for CSS Shadow Parts. That means the ::part() selector is now supported in Chrome, Edge, Opera, Safari, and Firefox. We’ll see why it’s useful, but first a recap on shadow DOM encapsulation… The benefits of shadow DOM encapsulation I work at giffgaff where we have...

Thinking in Behaviors, Not Screen Sizes

Chase McCoy wrote a nifty post about the “gap problem” when making a grid of items. His argument might be summarized like this: how should we space elements with margins in CSS? He notes that the gap property isn’t quite ready for prime time when it comes to using it with flexbox, like this: .grid...

CSS Findings From The New Facebook Design

Ahmad Shadeed digs around the new Facebook’s front-end code. One that stood out to me: .element { inset: 4px 0; /* Which is equivalent to: top: 4px, bottom: 4px, left: 0, right: 0 */ } Whaaat? This is the first I’ve heard of the inset property. Ahmad said he saw it working...

Detect git Directory with Bash

One interesting aspect of working at Mozilla is that Firefox lives in a mercurial repository while several other projects live on GitHub in a git repository. While most focus on either Firefox or another project, I switch between both, leaving me running git commands inside the mercurial repository...

How They Fit Together: Transform, Translate, Rotate, Scale, and Offset

Firefox 72 was first out of the gate with "independent transforms." That is, instead of having to combine transforms together, like: .el { transform: rotate(10deg) scale(0.95) translate(10px, 10px); } ...we can do: .el { rotate: 10deg; scale: 0.95; translate: 10px 10px; } That's extremely...

CSS :nth-of-class selector

That's not a thing. But it kinda is! Bram covers how frustrating .bar:nth-child(2) is. It's not "select the second element of class .bar." It's "select the second element if it also has the class .bar." The good news? There is a real selector that does the former: :nth-child(2 of .bar) { } Safari...

Firefox přestane podporovat protokol FTP, s vypínáním začne ve verzi 77

Webový prohlížeč Mozilla Firefox přijde o podporu jednoho z nejstarších síťových protokolů – FTP. V příspěvku v rámci diskuzní skupiny to oznámil softwarový konzultant Michal Novotný s tím, že tento úkol je na Bugzille evidován pod číslem 1574475 již od srpna loňského roku a

Unfortunately, clip-path: path() is Still a No-Go

I was extremely excited when I first heard that clip-path: path() was coming to Firefox. Just imagine being able to easily code a breathing box like the one below with just one HTML element and very little CSS without needing SVG or a huge list of points inside the polygon function! Chris...

Lazy Object Initialization

The Firefox DevTools underlying code, which is written with JavaScript and HTML, is a complex application. Due to the complexity and amount of work going on, the DevTools team has done everything they can to load as little as possible. Furthermore the team has a system of lazily importing...

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